knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE
                      , results = 'asis'
                      , warning = FALSE
                      , message = FALSE)


Calculate outputs for the Pacific Northwest Maritime Region (PNMR) BCG model (Stamp 2022).

The PNMR BCG model is intended to be applied to samples that meet the following criteria:

The PNMR BCG model was calibrated for macroinvertebrate communities in three classes of freshwater wadeable streams:

The classification thresholds are 1% for gradient and 750-m for elevation.

During BCG model development, we derived gradient and elevation information from the following sources:

When running the BCG model, we encourage you to use gradient and elevation data from the same sources that the BCG model was calibrated with. However, that is not a required and we know occasional situations will arise when it’s more appropriate to use other data sources

Input File

There are two pathways to creating the input file:

  1. Generate a file outside of the Shiny app that is ready to go (has all the required fields, with exact column heading names – see the Calc_BCG_Input subtab for details)

  2. Use the File Builder functions to create an input file (minimum required fields = SampleID, TaxonID, Count, elevation and percent slope)

Using the File Builder option ensures that you are using proper Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) and attributes for the BCG model calculation.

Test file

Click here to download an input file that is ready to be run through the BCG calculator.

Click here to download example R scripts and data (all functions).

Last updated 2023-02-03

leppott/BCGcalc documentation built on May 17, 2024, 5:55 p.m.