knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE
                      , results = 'asis'
                      , warning = FALSE
                      , message = FALSE)

Required Fields

The following fields are required in input files. However, the names can be different. The user will select the matching column names on screen before calculation.

Click here to download an Excel file with this table plus example data.

# Packages

# Data
fn_req <- "MTTI_ReqFields_20230606.xlsx"
path_req <- file.path("files", fn_req)
df_req <- read_excel(path_req, sheet = "RequiredFields")

# Table (DT)
cap_req <- "Table 1. Required fields."
# DT::datatable(df_req
#               , filter = "top"
#               , caption = cap_req
#               , options = list(scrollX = TRUE
#                                , autoWidth = TRUE)
#               )
# DT::datatable(iris) # not working correctly in fragment
knitr::kable(df_req, caption = cap_req)

Last updated 2023-06-06

leppott/BCGcalc documentation built on Oct. 9, 2024, 11:03 a.m.