knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE
                      , results = 'asis'
                      , warning = FALSE
                      , message = FALSE)

A single zip file will be available for download. It will include all result files along the the original data file. All result data files will be CSV format.

The zip file will included the base name of the original file along with the date and time.

The individual files will include the same basename along with a suffix to represent each step of the calculation process.

The entire criteria file is included to allow the user to check for non-matching Index Name and/or criteria columns.

As an example if the input file was "xxx.csv" the result files will look like those in the table below.

# Packages

# Data
fn_data <- "OutputFileSubtabs.xlsx"
path_data <- file.path("files", fn_data)
df_data <- read_excel(path_data, sheet = "Calc_MTTI")

# Display
cap_data <- "Calculation, MTTI, zip file contents."
knitr::kable(df_data, "html", caption = cap_data)

Last updated 2023-06-06

leppott/BCGcalc documentation built on May 17, 2024, 5:55 p.m.