
# File Builder Panel, index class parameters

function() {
    sidebarPanel(h2("Generate Index Class Parameters")
            #, useShinyjs()
            , h4("A. Upload a File")
            , p("If no file name showing below repeat 'Import File' in the left sidebar.")
            , p(textOutput("fn_input_display_indexclassparam"))
            , h4("B. Define Index Name")
            #, uiOutput("UI_indexclassparam_indexname")
            , p("Only the Maritime NW BCG model is included for now.")
            , h4("C. Define Index Class Fields")
            , h6("Required Fields")
            , p("For the Maritime NW BCG model, the input file needs to include latitude, longitude, and epsg (datum).")
            # Only OR-WA for now so hard code (short on hours)
            , uiOutput("UI_indexclassparam_user_col_sampid")
            , uiOutput("UI_indexclassparam_user_col_lat")
            , uiOutput("UI_indexclassparam_user_col_lon")
            , p("Datum (EPSG) column is optional.")
            , p("If left blank the default EPSG value of 4269 (NAD83 North America) will be used.")
            , p("If populated the column should contain the same EPSG value for all sites.")
            , uiOutput("UI_indexclassparam_user_col_epsg")

            , h4("D. Run Operation")
            , p("This button will generate the index class parameters based on the above inputs")
            , p("Reach slope (0-100) from the NHDPlusV2 and elevation (m) from the EPA StreamCat dataset (local catchment scale).")
            , shinyjs::disabled(shinyBS::bsButton("b_calc_indexclassparam"
                                                  , label = "Run Operation"))

            , h4("E. Download Output")
            , p("All input and output files will be available in a single zip file.")
            , shinyjs::disabled(downloadButton("b_download_indexclassparam"
                                               , "Download Results"))
    )## sidebarPanel ~ END
       , mainPanel(
            tabsetPanel(type = "tabs"
                        , tabPanel(title = "IndexClassParam_About"
                                                          , "rmd_html"
                                          , "ShinyHTML_FB_IndexClassParam_1About.html"))
                            , tabPanel(title = "IndexClassParam_Output"
                                                              , "rmd_html"
                                          , "ShinyHTML_FB_IndexClassParam_2Output.html"))
            )## tabsetPanel ~ END
    )## mainPanel ~ END
  )##sidebarLayout ~ END
leppott/BCGcalc documentation built on May 17, 2024, 5:55 p.m.