
# File Builder Panel, taxa translate

function() {
    sidebarPanel(h2("Taxa Translate and Attribute Assignment")
            , useShinyjs()
            , p("The process below will combine user data with an official taxa list.")
            #, br()
            , h4("A. Upload a File")
            , p("If no file name showing below repeat 'Import File' in the left sidebar.")
            , p(textOutput("fn_input_display_taxatrans"))
            , h4("B. Select Calculation.")
            , uiOutput("UI_taxatrans_pick_official")
            #, uiOutput("UI_taxatrans_pick_official_project")
            , h4("C. User File Column Names")
            , h6("Required Fields")
            , p("If the default values are present they will be auto-populated.")
            # SampleID (really for group_by)
            , uiOutput("UI_taxatrans_user_col_sampid")
            , uiOutput("UI_taxatrans_user_col_taxaid")
            # N_Taxa (really for group_by)
            #, shinyjs::disableduiOutput("UI_taxatrans_user_col_n_taxa"))
            , uiOutput("UI_taxatrans_user_col_n_taxa")
            , h6("Optional Fields")
            , p("All columns other than those specified above (required) or below (optional) will be dropped. 
                IMPORTANT! Do not repeat the required columns, and do not include Life Stage or other fields that might cause a taxon to occur in more than one row for a given sample (which could lead to double-counting of that taxon in the richness metrics) .")
            #, shinyjs::disabled(uiOutput("UI_taxatrans_user_col_groupby"))
            , uiOutput("UI_taxatrans_user_col_groupby")
            # , p("Select any columns to drop from output. All other columns will be retained.")
            # , uiOutput("UI_taxatrans_user_col_drop")
          #  , h4("D. Combine Duplicate Taxa Within Samples")
           # , p("Taxa names that have more than one entry in a sample are combined into one entry per sample, with summed counts. For example, a taxon that has multiple entries due to differences in OTU are consolidated into one entry for the calculation.")
            # , checkboxInput("cb_TaxaTrans_Summ"
            #                 , "Combine same taxa in samples"
            #                 , value = TRUE)
            # , p("If TRUE select boxes below (between lines) are used when running operation.")
          #  , hr(style = "border-top: 1px solid #000000;")
            # only if checkbox above is TRUE
            #, p("Select user file columns for grouping the taxa counts after combining with official taxa file.")
          #  , hr(style = "border-top: 1px solid #000000;")
            , h4("D. Run Operation")
            , p("This button will merge the user file with the official taxa file")
            , shinyjs::disabled(shinyBS::bsButton("b_calc_taxatrans"
                                                  , label = "Run Operation"))
            , h4("E. Download Output")
            , p("All input and output files will be available in a single zip file.")
            , shinyjs::disabled(downloadButton("b_download_taxatrans"
                                               , "Download Results"))
    )## sidebarPanel ~ END
       , mainPanel(
            tabsetPanel(type = "tabs"
                        , tabPanel(title = "TaxaTrans_About"
                                                          , "rmd_html"
                                          , "ShinyHTML_FB_TaxaTrans_1About.html"))
                            , tabPanel(title = "TaxaTrans_Output"
                                                              , "rmd_html"
                                          , "ShinyHTML_FB_TaxaTrans_2Output.html"))
            )## tabsetPanel ~ END
    )## mainPanel ~ END
  )##sidebarLayout ~ END
leppott/BCGcalc documentation built on May 17, 2024, 5:55 p.m.