knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo=TRUE, eval=FALSE)


The generation of output is intended to be accomplished by running a set of SiteIDs through each of the package functions.

The output from each SiteID is created in a folder with the SiteID in the Results folder in the working directory (e.g., "Results/SiteID").

Example, Site-Specific

Example processing a single site.

Algae data is not used in this example.

SSD plots are not included in the site specific analyses.

Co-Occurrence is not included here either.

# Directory
CurrentDir <- getwd()
myDir.Data <- paste(CurrentDir,"data/",sep="/")
dir_results <- file.path(getwd(), "Results")

predint <- 0.75
varLegLoc <- "topright"

TargetSiteID <- "SRCKN001.61"

# getSiteInfo ####
# dataset inputs
# data, example included with package
data.Stations.Info <- data_Sites
data.SampSummary   <- data_SampSummary
data.303d.ComID    <- data_303d
data.bmi.metrics   <- data_BMIMetrics
data.algae.metrics <- data_AlgMetrics
data.cluster       <- data_Cluster_Hi
data.mod           <- data_ReachMod
data.MT.bmi        <- data_BMIMasterTaxa
# Run getSiteInfo
list.SiteSummary <- getSiteInfo(TargetSiteID)

# getChemDataSubsets ####
# datasets inputs
site.COMID <- list.SiteSummary$COMID
site.Clusters <- list.SiteSummary$ClustIDs
data.chem.raw <- data_Chem <- data_ChemInfo
# Run getChemDataSubsets <- getChemDataSubsets(TargetSiteID, site.COMID, site.Clusters)

# getClusterInfo ####
# dataset inputs
ref.reaches <-$ref.reaches
refSiteCOMIDs <-$ref.reaches
# Run getClusterInfo
getClusterInfo(site.COMID, site.Clusters, ref.reaches, dir_results)

# getStressorList ####
# dataset inputs <-$
cluster.chem <-$cluster.chem
cluster.samps <-$cluster.samps
ref.sites <-$ref.sites
site.chem <-$site.chem
# set cutoff for possible stressor identification
probsLow <- 0.10
probsHigh <- 0.90 
# Run getStressorList
list.stressors <- getStressorList(TargetSiteID, site.Clusters,, cluster.chem
                                 , cluster.samps, ref.sites, site.chem
                                 , probsHigh, probsLow)

# getBMIMatches ####                            
# dataset inputs
## remove "none"
stressors <- list.stressors$stressors[list.stressors$stressors != "none"]
# Run getBMIMatches
list.MatchBMIData <- getBMIMatches(stressors, 

# getBMIStressorResponses ####
BMIresp <- c("CSCI", "MMI_Score", "TotalTaxSPL_Sc", "DipTaxSPL_Sc"
             , "IntolTaxSPL_Sc", "HBISPL_Sc", "PlecoPct_Sc", "ScrapPctSPL_Sc"
             , "TrichTax_Sc", "EphemTax_Sc", "EphemPct_Sc", "Dom01PctSPL_Sc")
# Run getBMIStressorResponses           
getBMIStressorResponses(TargetSiteID, stressors, BMIresp, list.MatchBMIData)

# getStressorSpecificRegressions ####
# datasets inputs
data.bmi.taxa.raw <- data_BMIcounts
data.SSTV.totabund <- data_BMIRelAbund
# Run getStressorSpecificRegressions
                               , data.SampSummary
                               , data.bmi.taxa.raw
                               , data.SSTV.totabund
                               , data.MT.bmi
                               , list.MatchBMIData)

# getReport ####
# summary report
dir_results <- file.path(getwd(), "Results")
report_type <- "summary"
report_format <- "html"
getReport(TargetSiteID, dir_results, report_type, report_format)


Not site specific. Requires a data input file with Biological index scores and all stressors. The user will need to provide

#Load Data <- data_CoOccur
col.Group     <- "Group"
col.Bio       <- "CSCI"
col.Stressors <- c("DO_uf_mg_L", "SpecCond_uf_µS_cm", "TN_uf_mg_L", "TP_mg_L")
col.ID        <- c("StationID_Master")
Bio.Nar.Brk <- c(-2, 0.62, 0.799, 0.919, 2)
Bio.Nar.Lab <- c("very likely altered", "likely altered"
                , "possibly altered ", "likely intact")
Bio.Deg.Brk <- c(-2, 0.799, 2)
Bio.Deg.Lab <- c("Degraded", "Good")
dir.plots <- file.path(getwd(), "Results")
ID.plot <- c("SMC08335", "901SJSJC9", "911TCAM01", "403STC004")
getCoOccur(, ID.plot, col.ID, col.Group, col.Bio, col.Stressors
        , Bio.Nar.Brk, Bio.Nar.Lab, Bio.Deg.Brk, Bio.Deg.Lab 
        , dir.plots


It is up to the user to interpret the output of CAST. CAST is meant as a screening tool so the user will need to use best professional judgment to draw any conclusions.

Example, Multiple Sites

Example code is below to generate the outputs from each of the CAST functions. This example uses a mix of the internal example data files and user files. It is intended as an example, not as functional code.

# Install CASTfxn ####
# library(devtools)
# install_github("ALincolnTt/CASTfxn")

# Set up ####

#Dir.Base <- "C:/Users/ - Tetra Tech, Inc/_ActiveProjects/AZ/RCodeData/ChemData"
#Dir.Base <- "P:/Current/OtherGov/City of San Diego/FY2018/CAST_2018/QC_20180705/data"
Dir.Base <- "C:/Users/Erik.Leppo/OneDrive - Tetra Tech, Inc/MyDocs_OneDrive/GitHub/CASTfxn/vignettes/Results"
#setwd("C:\\Users\\Erik.Leppo\\OneDrive - Tetra Tech, Inc\\MyDocs_OneDrive\\GitHub\\CASTfxn_Ann\\CASTfxn")

#Dir.Base <- "C:\\Users\\Erik.Leppo\\OneDrive - Tetra Tech, Inc\\MyDocs_OneDrive\\SanDiego\\Results"

# Site Selection ####
TargetSiteID <- "LCNUT011.29"  # "VRELL009.02"
TargetElevation <- "HI"

# Read Files ####
#Read all data files
data.SampSummary <- data_SampSummary
data.mod         <- data_ReachMod   <- data_ChemInfo
data.303d.ComID  <- data_303d

# Subset ####
# These need subsetting
if (TargetElevation == "HI") {
    data.cluster   <- data_Cluster_Hi
    fn.coOccur.hi  <- file.path(Dir.Base,"")
    data.coOccur   <- read.table(fn.coOccur.hi, header = TRUE, sep = "\t")
    ibi.thresholds <- c(45,52)
} else {
    data.cluster   <- data_Cluster_Lo
    fn.coOccur.lo  <- file.path(Dir.Base, "")
    data.coOccur   <- read.table(fn.coOccur.lo, header = TRUE, sep = "\t")
    ibi.thresholds <- c(39,50)

# CAST, Stations ####
data.Stations.Info <- data_Sites
data.Stations.Info <- data.Stations.Info[data.Stations.Info$ElevCategory == TargetElevation,]

# CAST, Chem ####
## Use data rather than example file
data.chem.raw <- data_Chem
fn.cheminfo2   <- file.path(Dir.Base, "AZStressorInfoFinal.xlsx")
data.chem.info2 <- read_excel(fn.cheminfo2, sheet = 1, skip = 0)
# #
# fn.chem <- file.path(Dir.Base, "")
# data.chem.raw <- read.delim(fn.chem, na.strings = "NA")
analytes      <-$StdParamName[$UseInStressorID == 1]
data.chem.raw <- data.chem.raw[data.chem.raw$StdParamName %in% analytes,]
data.chem.raw <- data.chem.raw[data.chem.raw$ElevCategory == TargetElevation,]

# CAST, BMI, metrics ####
data.bmi.metrics <- data_BMIMetrics
data.bmi.metrics <- data.bmi.metrics[data.bmi.metrics$ElevCategory == TargetElevation,]
data.bmi.metrics <- data.bmi.metrics[data.bmi.metrics$StationID_Master != "VROAK042.78",]
data.bmi.metrics <- data.bmi.metrics[data.bmi.metrics$StationID_Master != "SRHAG007.47",]
data.bmi.metrics <- data.bmi.metrics[,c("StationID_Master","BMISampID",
data.bmi.metrics <- data.bmi.metrics[, unlist(lapply(data.bmi.metrics, 
                                      function(x) !all(]

# CAST, Alg, metrics ####
fn.alg.metrics     <- file.path(Dir.Base, "")
data.algae.metrics <- read.table(fn.alg.metrics, header = TRUE, sep = "\t")
data.algae.metrics <- data.algae.metrics[!,]

# CAST, misc ####
fn.bmi.raw        <- file.path(Dir.Base, "")
data.bmi.taxa.raw <- read.table(fn.bmi.raw, header = TRUE, sep = "\t")

fn.MT.bmi   <- file.path(Dir.Base, "")
data.MT.bmi <- read.table(fn.MT.bmi, header = TRUE, sep = "\t", 
                          stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# read LkpDir (.tab file)
# fn.lkpdir <- "C:/Users/ - Tetra Tech, Inc/_ActiveProjects/AZ/RCodeData/ChemData/"
# data.lkp.dir <- read.table(fn.lkpdir, header = TRUE, sep = "\t", 
#                            col.names = c("StdParamName","DipTaxSPL_Sc",
#                                          "Dom01PctSPL_Sc","EphemPct_Sc",
#                                          "EphemTax_Sc","HBISPL_Sc","IBI",
#                                          "IntolTaxSPL_Sc","PlecoPct_Sc",
#                                          "ScrapPctSPL_Sc","ScrapTaxSPL_Sc",
#                                          "TotalTaxSPL_Sc","TrichTax_Sc"),
#                            colClasses = c("character","numeric","numeric", 
#                                           "numeric","numeric","numeric","numeric",
#                                           "numeric","numeric","numeric",
#                                           "numeric","numeric","numeric"))
# data.lkp.dir <- data_LkpDir

list.SiteSummary <- getSiteInfo(TargetSiteID)
# Returns: mySiteSummary <- list(SiteInfo = mySiteInfo, Samps = mySamps, 
                                            # BMImetrics = myBMImetrics, 
                                            # AlgMetrics = myAlgaeMetrics, 
                                            # ReachInfo = myReachInfo, 
                                            # COMID = myCOMID, 
                                            # ClustIDs = myClustIDs)
site.COMID <- list.SiteSummary$COMID
site.Clusters <- list.SiteSummary$ClustIDs
SiteInfo <- list.SiteSummary$SiteInfo <- getChemDataSubsets(TargetSiteID, site.COMID, site.Clusters)
# mySubsets <- list(ref.sites = refSiteIDs, 
                    # ref.reaches = refSiteCOMIDs, 
                    # cluster.samps = cluster.chem.samps, 
                    # = chems.groups.sort, 
                    # all.chems = all.chems3, 
                    # cluster.chem = cluster.chem.tab5, 
                    # site.chem = site.chem4)
ref.sites <-$ref.sites
ref.reaches <-$ref.reaches
cluster.samps <-$cluster.samps
cluster.chem <-$cluster.chem
site.chem <-$site.chem <-$

# Get Cluster Info
getClusterInfo(site.COMID, site.Clusters, ref.reaches, dir_results)

# CAST, Stressors ####
# Get Stressor List
list.stressors <- getStressorList(TargetSiteID, site.Clusters,, 
                                  cluster.chem, cluster.samps, ref.sites, 
                                  site.chem, probsHigh=0.75, probsLow=0.25)
# myStressors <- list(stressors = stressorlist, site.stressor.pctrank = site.pctrank)

stressors <- list.stressors$stressors

if ((length(stressors) == 1) && stressors[1] == "none") {
    # No stressors returned
    print(paste("No stressors identified for site", TargetSiteID, sep = " "))
} else {
    stressors <- c(stressors[2:length(stressors)])
    # Get BMI matches
    list.MatchBMIData <- getBMIMatches(stressors,
    # myBMIMatchData <- list(all.b.str = all.mbmi.stress
    #                        , cl.b.str = cl.mbmi.stress
    #                        , site.b.str = site.mbmi.stress
    #                        , all.b.rsp = all.mbmi.resp
    #                        , cl.b.rsp = cl.mbmi.resp
    #                        , site.b.rsp = site.mbmi.resp)

    # Get BMI Stressor Responses
    getBMIStressorResponses(stressors, list.MatchBMIData)

    if (TargetSiteID %in% unique(data.coOccur$StationID_Master)) {
        getCoOccur(data.coOccur, ID.plot=TargetSiteID, col.ID="StationID_Master"
                , col.Group="Group", col.Bio="IBI", col.Stressors=c(stressors)
                , Bio.Nar.Brk=c(0, ibi.thresholds, 100)
                , Bio.Nar.Lab=c("Impaired","Marginal","Good")
                , Bio.Deg.Brk=c(0, min(ibi.thresholds), 100)
                , Bio.Deg.Lab=c("Impaired", "Good"))

    # Get Stressor-specific regressions
    predint <- 0.75
    varLegLoc <- "topright"
    myDir.Data <- getwd()
    # read in relative abundance file
    fn.RelAbund <- "AZ_Benthics_RelAbund.xlsx"
    BMIRelAbund <- read_excel(fn.RelAbund, sheet=1)
    #data.SSTV.totabund <- data_BMIRelAbund
    data.SSTV.totabund <- BMIRelAbund

    getStressorSpecificRegressions(list.MatchBMIData, predint, varLegLoc)
    # }

    # Erik, 20180712, commented out since no data
    # list.MatchAlgData <- getAlgMatches(stressors,
    # # myAlgMatchData <- list(all.a.str = all.malg.stress
    # #                        , cl.a.str = cl.malg.stress
    # #                        , site.a.str = site.malg.stress
    # #                        , all.a.rsp = all.malg.resp
    # #                        , cl.a.rsp = cl.malg.resp
    # #                        , site.a.rsp = site.malg.resp)
    # # Get Algal Stressor Responses
    # getAlgStressorResponses(stressors, list.MatchAlgData)

    # getSSDs
    #getSSDplot(Data, ResponseType, Taxa, Exposure)
    myDF <- data_SSD_generator
    myRT   <- "ResponseType"
    myTaxa <- "Taxa"
    myExp  <- "Exposure"
    # Run function
    p3 <- getSSDplot(myDF, myRT, myTaxa, myExp)


leppott/CASTfxn documentation built on Sept. 6, 2019, 11:04 p.m.