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# Library Name
myLibrary <- "MMIcalc" # "ContDataQC","MMIcalc","MMIcalcNV","MBSStools","XC95"
# Load Library
# Create Package
# create(myLibrary)
# files to library folder
# file.copy("metric.values.R","./Library/MMIcalc/R/metric.values.R",overwrite=TRUE)
# Document, Install, and Reload Library
myLibrary <- "MMIcalc"
## Generate Documentation
## Install New Package (locally)
setwd("..") # return to root directory first
## Reload library
library(myLibrary,character.only = TRUE)
# change wd back to package
# Restart R within RStudio:  Ctrl + Shift + F10

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Testing Metric Value Code

# Bugs
myDF        <- myDF.Bugs
SampleID    <- "SampleID"
MetricNames <- myMetrics.Bugs

# Fish
myDF        <- myDF.Fish
SampleID    <- "SampleID"
MetricNames <- myMetrics.Fish

save bug data for QC



myDF.Bugs <- taxa_bugs_genus
x <- myDF.Bugs
y <- subset(myDF.Bugs, StationID=="PATL-B05-X-2016")

Metric Adjustment

Reference table

Method = Observed / Expected

Calculation of Expected (E) Linear is y = m*x +b

MBSS has 1 metric, nt_benthic, that is in 3 of the 4 strata that needs adjustment.

myMetric.Values.Fish[,"nt_benthic_Obs"] <- myMetric.Values.Fish[,"nt_benthic"]
# Expected constants
## m
myMetric.Values.Fish[,"nt_benthic_m"] <- NA
myMetric.Values.Fish[,"nt_benthic_m"][myMetric.Values.Fish[,"Index.Region"]=="COASTAL"]   <- 1.69
myMetric.Values.Fish[,"nt_benthic_m"][myMetric.Values.Fish[,"Index.Region"]=="EPIEDMONT"] <- 1.25
myMetric.Values.Fish[,"nt_benthic_m"][myMetric.Values.Fish[,"Index.Region"]=="HIGHLAND"]  <- 1.23
## b
myMetric.Values.Fish[,"nt_benthic_b"] <- NA
myMetric.Values.Fish[,"nt_benthic_b"][myMetric.Values.Fish[,"Index.Region"]=="COASTAL"]   <- -3.33
myMetric.Values.Fish[,"nt_benthic_b"][myMetric.Values.Fish[,"Index.Region"]=="EPIEDMONT"] <- -2.36
myMetric.Values.Fish[,"nt_benthic_b"][myMetric.Values.Fish[,"Index.Region"]=="HIGHLAND"] <- -2.35
# Calc Expected
myMetric.Values.Fish[,"nt_benthic_Exp"] <- (myMetric.Values.Fish[,"nt_benthic_m"] * log10(myMetric.Values.Fish[,"Catchment"])) + myMetric.Values.Fish[,"nt_benthic_b"]
# Calc Adjusted
myMetric.Values.Fish[,"nt_benthic_Adj"] <- myMetric.Values.Fish[,"nt_benthic_Obs"] / myMetric.Values.Fish[,"nt_benthic_Exp"]
# Rename base metric with adjusted value
myMetric.Values.Fish[,"nt_benthic"] <- myMetric.Values.Fish[,"nt_benthic_Adj"]

Fish, Additional Information

Catchment Area (acres)

Stream width (m) and length (always 75m) to get area

not for MBSS but others will need DELT and biomass.

leppott/MMIcalc documentation built on May 21, 2019, 5:10 a.m.