Man pages for levisc8/ipmr
Integral Projection Models

accessorsAccessor functions for (proto_)ipm objects
as_matrixConvert to bare matrices
check_convergenceCheck for model convergence to asymptotic dynamics
collapse_pop_stateExtract threshold based population size information
define_starHelpers for IPM construction
eigenvectorsCompute the standardized left and right eigenvectors via...
evictionEviction correction
gen_di_detA general deterministic IPM example
init_ipmInitialize an IPM
ipm_reportGenerate an RMarkdown file with IPM metadata
ipm_to_dfConvert ipmr matrix to long data frame
kernel-definitionsFunctions to initialize and define IPM kernels
lambdaCompute the per-capita growth rate for an IPM object
make_ipmMethods to implement an IPM
make_iter_kernelCreate iteration kernels from an IPM object
matrix-powerRaise a matrix to a power
mean_kernelMean kernels for stochastic models
pipePipe operator
plot_starPlot a matrix or an *_ipm object
predict_methodsPredict methods in ipmr
print_starPrint proto_ipms or *_ipm objects
proto_exA 'proto_ipm' for a monocarpic perennial
raw_data_exRaw demographic data to construct an example IPM
right_multRight/left multiplication
sim_di_detSimple deterministic IPM example
tidyevalTidy eval helpers
levisc8/ipmr documentation built on Feb. 22, 2023, 9:15 p.m.