configEBrowser: Configuring the EnrichmentBrowser

View source: R/ebrowser.R

configEBrowserR Documentation

Configuring the EnrichmentBrowser


Function to get and set configuration parameters determining the default behavior of the EnrichmentBrowser


configEBrowser(key, value = NULL)



Configuration parameter.


Value to overwrite the current value of key.


Important colData, rowData, and result column names:

  • SMPL.COL: colData column storing the sample IDs (default: "SAMPLE")

  • GRP.COL: colData column storing binary group assignment (default: "GROUP")

  • BLK.COL: colData column defining paired samples or sample blocks (default: "BLOCK")

  • PRB.COL: rowData column storing probe/feature IDs ("PROBEID", read-only)

  • EZ.COL: rowData column storing gene ENTREZ IDs ("ENTREZID", read-only)

  • SYM.COL: rowData column storing gene symbols ("SYMBOL", read-only)

  • GN.COL: rowData column storing gene names ("GENENAME", read-only)

  • FC.COL: rowData column storing (log2) fold changes of differential expression between sample groups (default: "FC")

  • ADJP.COL: rowData column storing adjusted (corrected for multiple testing) p-values of differential expression between sample groups (default: "ADJ.PVAL")

  • GS.COL: result table column storing gene set IDs (default: "GENE.SET")

  • PVAL.COL: result table column storing gene set significance (default: "PVAL")

  • PMID.COL: gene table column storing PUBMED IDs ("PUBMED", read-only)

Important URLs (all read-only):

Default output directory:

  • EBROWSER.HOME: tools::R_user_dir("EnrichmentBrowser")

  • OUTDIR.DEFAULT: file.path(EBROWSER.HOME, "results")

Gene set size:

  • GS.MIN.SIZE: minimum number of genes per gene set (default: 5)

  • GS.MAX.SIZE: maximum number of genes per gene set (default: 500)

Result appearance:

  • RESULT.TITLE: (default: "Table of Results")

  • NR.SHOW: maximum number of entries to show (default: 20)


If is.null(value) this returns the value of the selected configuration parameter. Otherwise, it updates the selected parameter with the given value.


Ludwig Geistlinger


    # getting config information

    # setting config information
    # WARNING: this is for advanced users only!
    # inappropriate settings will impair EnrichmentBrowser's functionality
    configEBrowser(key="GS.MIN.SIZE", value=3)  

    # restoring default config settings     

lgeistlinger/EnrichmentBrowser documentation built on May 9, 2024, 7:22 p.m.