force.ultrametric: Coerces a phylogenetic tree to be ultrametric

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force.ultrametricR Documentation

Coerces a phylogenetic tree to be ultrametric


Coerces an object of class "phylo" to be ultrametric.


force.ultrametric(tree, method=c("nnls","extend"), ...)



an object of class "phylo".


the method to use to force the tree to be ultrametric. Options are "nnls" (which uses the phangorn function nnls.tree internally), or "extend".


optional arguments: principally, message. This argument (if set to FALSE) can be used to suppress the default warning message that force.ultrametric should not be used as a formal statistical method to ultrametricize a tree.


force.ultrametric coerces a non-ultrametric tree to be ultrametric.

This is achieved either by using nnls.tree from the phangorn package to compute the set of edge lengths that result in a minimized sum-of-squares distance between the patristic distance of the output and input trees (method="nnls"); or by simply extending all the external edges of the tree to match the external edge with the greatest total height (method="extend").

Note that neither of these should be treated as formal statistical methods for inferring an ultrametric tree. Rather, this method can be deployed when a genuinely ultrametric tree read from file fails is.ultrametric for reasons of numerical precision.


An ultrametric tree in an object of class "phylo".


Liam Revell


Revell, L. J. (2024) phytools 2.0: an updated R ecosystem for phylogenetic comparative methods (and other things). PeerJ, 12, e16505.

See Also

is.ultrametric, nnls.tree

liamrevell/phytools documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 1:37 a.m.