Description Sample size functions Information fraction functions Weightd log-rank test Data manipulation functions
The IAfrac package implements Hasegawa (2014) and (2016) proposals for weighted log-rank tests in piece-wise expornential distributed survival functions. The current version only considers two pieces with only one change point (epsilon). This R package provides four categories of important functions: sample size, information fraction, weighted log-rank test, data manipulation.
The sample size calculation functions implement methods proposed in Hasegawa (2014). They are recorded in R/Hasegama2014.R.
The iformaiton fraction functions implement methods proposed in Hasegawa (2016). They are recorded in R/Hasegama2016.R.
The weighted log-rank test functions are newly written functions for weighted log-rank tests. They are recorded in R/WLRT.R.
The data manipulation functions are prepared to trim the data either according to the follow-up time or the event counts. They are recorded in R/data_manipulation.R.
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