job 0.3.1

Notes for the reviewer

Manual test environments

Downstream dependencies

We checked 3 reverse dependencies, comparing R CMD check results across CRAN and dev versions of this package.

Resubmission 2

This is a resubmission. For this version, I have:

I appreciate why one would generally ban calls to rm(list = ls(). But these lines are only found in export() which can only run within RStudio jobs (if rstudioapi::isAvailable() == TRUE & getOption("is.job", FALSE) == TRUE). job can never remove anything from the user's global workspace or filespace. rm() is the only way to control what is returned from the job since the underlying rstudioapi::runJobScript() returns the full job environment upon completion.


This is a resubmission. For this version, I have:

job 0.3.0

Notes for the reviewer

Manual test environments

This package is currently used by at least a few hundred users and the initial bugs have been fixed.

Automated test environments

R CMD check results

There were no ERRORs, WARNINGs

There was 1 NOTE:

These are the very terms used by RStudio:

Downstream dependencies

This is the initial submission so there are no downstream dependencies.

lindeloev/job documentation built on Oct. 3, 2024, 4:45 a.m.