Man pages for lindesaysh/MRSea
Spatially adaptive regression splines using SALSA

acffunccalculate correlation for residuals by block
AIChFunction to calculate AICh (Hardin and Hilbe 2013)
anova.gamMRSeaAnova Tables for 'gamMRSea' Models
bootstrap.orig.dataObtaining a data frame of bootstrapped data using resamples
checkfactorlevelcountsFactor level response check This function checks that there...
choose.radiiFunction to choose the radii for the CReSS local radial basis...
create.bootcount.dataAggregate bootstrapped distance data into count data
create.bootstrap.dataCreate bootstrap data for non-parametric bootstrapping
create.count.dataAggregate distance data into count data
create.NHATEstimated number of individuals for each detection
cv.gamMRSeaCross-validation for gamMRSea Models transect data with decrease post-impact transect data with no post-impact consequence transect data with redistribution post-impact
do.bootstrap.cressBootstrapping function without model selection using...
do.bootstrap.cress.robustBootstrapping function without model selection for a model of...
do.bootstrap.cress.robust.betaBootstrapping function without model selection for a model of...
drop.step_2dFunction that tries dropping knots to find an improvement in...
exchange.step_2dFunction for exchanging knot locations and re-fitting model...
fit.thinPlate_2dFunction to fit a local radial basis function (CReSS) as a...
gamMRSeagamMRSea model function
generateNoiseFunction to generate noisy data
getCVidsIDs for running cross validation
getDifferencesIdentify any significant differences between predicted data...
getDispersiondispersion parameter
getEmpDistributionFunction to generate the empirical distribution of the runs...
getGeoDistFunction to calculate geodesic distances
getKnotgridGenerate a grid of knot locations to run SALSA2D.
getPlotdimensionsfind the plotting dimensions for quilt.plot when using a...
getRadiiChoicesFunction for obtaining a sequence of range parameters for the...
getRadiiChoices.varioFunction for obtaining a sequence of range parameters for the...
getRadiiSequenceFunction for obtaining a sequence of range parameters for the...
improve.step_2dFunction to move knots to neighbours to see if there is any...
knotgrid.nsKnot grid data for nearshore example
knotgrid.offKnot grid data for offshore example
LocalRadialFunctionFunction for creating an Gaussian basis function for a...
LRF.eFunction for creating an Exponential basis function for a...
LRF.gFunction for creating an Gaussian basis function for a...
makeBootCIsCalculate percentile confidence intervals from a matrix of...
makeDistsMake Euclidean distance matrices for use in CReSS and SALSA...
make.gamMRSeaFunction to make model of class 'gamMRSea'
makesplineParamsConstructing an object of spline parameters
MRSeaMRSea data with decrease post-impact data with no effect of impact data with redistribution post-impact grid data for nearshore post-impact decrease grid data for nearshore with no effect of impact grid data for nearshore post-impact redistribution
nysted.analysisdataNysted Data
nysted.coastPolygon of the Nysted coastline
nysted.predictdataPrediction grid data for Nysted Data
nysted.studybndPolygon of the outline of the Nysted study area
plotacfrun functions to create acf matrix and plot the results
plotCumResCalculate cumulative residuals and plot.
plotMeanVarFunctions to create a Mean-Variance plot for checking the...
plotRunsProfileCalculate runs test and plot profile plot. The output is a... grid data for post-impact decrease grid data for no post-impact consequence grid data for post-impact redistribution
predict.gamMRSeaFunction for making predictions for a model containing a...
QICbFunction to calculate QICb
qposbinomqposbinom function
qzibinomqzibinom function from the VGAM package
return.reg.spline.fitCode for adaptively spacing knots for a given covariate. function for running SALSA2D
rpois.odGenerating overdispersed poisson data
runACFrun functions to create acf matrix and plot the results
runDiagnosticsfunctions to create observed vs fitted and fitted vs scaled...
runInfluenceAssessing the influece of each correlated block on both the...
runPartialPlotsPlot partial plots for each of the variables listed in...
runSALSA1DRunning SALSA for continuous one-dimensional covariates.
runSALSA2DRunning SALSA for a spatial smooth with a CReSS basis
runsTestRuns Test for Randomness
rzibinomrzibinom function from the VGAM package
selectFctrKnotsSelect candidate knots for multi-level factor interaction
selectFctrStartkSelect starting knots for multi-level factor interaction
summary.gamMRSeaSummarising model fits from models fitted using the MRSea...
summaryshortnamesShortening names in summary object
thinModelsfunction to thin the number of models
timeInfluenceCheckTiming check to see how long it will take to run...
which.binDetermining the distance bin
lindesaysh/MRSea documentation built on May 11, 2024, 11:30 p.m.