recip_followers_network: recip_followers_network

Description Usage Arguments Details Value


Maps out a user's 1.5 level ego network (who are their contacts, and whether these contacts know each other), based on reciprocated following. Repeatedly uses the recip_followers function to accomplish this. Tie strength is binary: either two users are connected or they are unconnected.


recip_followers_network(user, max.contacts = 500, verbose = F)



a user screen name or ID


the maximum number of contacts (reciprocated followers) to process. If there are more than this number, than a random sample of the contacts (n=max.contacts) will be used.


whether the function should provide updates on its progress.


If one of the user's contacts has a private or large account, the function will check their connections by looking at data from other users in the network whose data can be collected. However, the connections between two accounts that are large or private can't be mapped, so it is marked with an NA value.


user: the user ID of the original user

ncontacts: how many contacts the user has

funcstart: start time of function

funcstop: stop time of function

account.problems: information about potential problems with the account

sociogram: a matrix with identical rows and columns showing the connections among the user and their contacts. The user's connection with themselves is marked as "self".

llsigerson/twittnet documentation built on May 28, 2019, 4:38 p.m.