recip_mentioners: recip_mentioners

Description Usage Arguments Details Value


Tracks the mentions given and received for a user in a specified timeframe and archives the tweets of the user and the people they talk to.


recip_mentioners(user, archive = NULL, preset.contacts = NULL,
  min.tie = 2, verbose = FALSE, trim.arch = T, sleepy = F, ...)



a user screen name or ID


pre-existing archive of tweets that can be used rather than having to re-collect tweets


vector of user screen names or IDs. If specified, all other users will be ignored in results.


the minimum tie strength (number of mentions exchanged) to include in the results.


logical. How often the function should print updates on its progress.


logical. Whether to remove a user's tweets from the archive if their tie strength with the original user is less than the minimum tie strength specified.


logical. If true, the function waits 60 seconds after processing each of the user's contacts


additional arguments to pass to get_tweets within the function, i.e. to specify the timeframe


contacts whose accounts are private or suspended will have an NA in the mentions received column of the mentions tibble

Depending on how sociable the user is, this function can run for a long time and collect a lot of data, which can raise a variety of issues. Higher values of min.tie or specifying preset.contacts can prevent this. If trim.arch is set to FALSE, the archive can easily get quite large and overwhelm your system's memory.

For most users, the function has no problem with the rate limit. However, for users with a huge number of contacts (>300), the function can break. Setting sleep to TRUE can prevent this.


mentions: a tibble that tracks the user's mentions of others. Each row specifies a user ID of a contact, the mentions given to that contact, the mentions received from that contact, and the minimum of these last two (the indicator of tie strength in this function)

archive: a tibble containing all tweets sent by the user and their contacts in the specified time frame

llsigerson/twittnet documentation built on May 28, 2019, 4:38 p.m.