Refit weirdness

Exploring/expanding issue #316 from @pitakakariki:

library("plyr")   ## for ldply

Simulation setup:

n <- c(2765,439,3356,82,801,798,329,299,319,2388,128,252,190,789,4322,92)
f <- as.factor(rep(letters[1:16], n))
x <- sample(1:7, sum(n), replace=TRUE)
obs <- 1:sum(n)
testdata <- data.frame(x, f, obs)
p <- list(theta=c(0.89, 0, 1.04), beta=c(-0.46, 0.0048))
testdata$y <- suppressWarnings(simulate( ~ x + (x||f) + (1|obs),
                       newdata=testdata, newparams=p)[[1]])
t1 <- system.time(glmer_orig <- glmer(y ~ x + (x||f) + (1|obs),
                                      family="poisson", data=testdata))
z <- simulate(glmer_orig,seed=42)[[1]]

Summary function: give log-likelihood and deviance relative to first value, elapsed time, and estimated fixed-effect parameter values ...

cfun <- function(x.list,t.list) {
    dfun <- if (getME(x.list[[1]],"REML")==0) deviance else REMLcrit
    tvec <- sapply(t.list,"[","elapsed")
    glance.list <- ldply(x.list,function(x) c(logLik=logLik(x),dev=dfun(x)))
    glance.list[,-1] <- lapply(glance.list[,-1],function(x) x-x[1])
    glance.list <- cbind(glance.list,t=tvec)
    comb.list <- merge(glance.list,ldply(x.list,fixef))

Fit glmer() models

t2 <- system.time(glmer_refit0 <- refit(glmer_orig, z))
t3 <- system.time(glmer_refit_start <- refit(glmer_orig,
                                             z, start=list(theta=c(1,1,1))))
t4 <- system.time(glmer_update <- update(glmer_orig,
                                         data=transform(testdata, y=z)))
glmer.list <- lme4:::namedList(glmer_refit0,
t.list <- list(t2,t3,t4)


Fit lmer() models

system.time(lmer_orig <- lmer(y ~ x + (x||f) + (1|obs), data=testdata,
t5 <- system.time(lmer_refit0 <- refit(lmer_orig, z))
t6 <- system.time(lmer_refit_start <- refit(lmer_orig,
                                            z, start=list(theta=c(1,1,1))))
t7 <- system.time(lmer_update <- update(lmer_orig,
                                        data=transform(testdata, y=z)))
lmer.list <- lme4:::namedList(lmer_refit0,lmer_refit_start,lmer_update)
t2.list <- list(t5,t6,t7)

Can we refactor refit?

refit2 <- function(object,y) {
    newobj <- object
    ## make new resp mod
    ## how do I step back just far enough to do this?
    ## extract reTrms equivalent from fitted model
    ## modify model frame?
    mkLmerDevfun(fr, X, reTrms, REML = TRUE, start = NULL,
                 verbose = 0, control = lmerControl(), ...)

From: pacodea <>
Date: Mon, 7 Sep 2015 04:44:46 -0700

I think I have a related problem. The same data issues a warning with refit but works fine with update and glmer. You can run the following code:


datos <- data.frame(x = c(1L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 1L, 1L),
                    y = c(0L, 2L, 1L, 4L, 5L, 1L, 9L, 10L, 3L, 2L),
                    falla =c(2L, 3L, 3L, 5L, 6L, 2L, 8L, 7L, 1L, 1L))

modelo0 <- glmer(   y ~ 1 + (1 | x), data=datos, family=poisson)

mod.1  <- glmer(falla ~ 1 + (1 | x), data=datos, family=poisson) # No problem
mod.1b <- update(modelo0, formula = falla ~ 1 + (1 | x)) # No problem
mod.1c <- refit (modelo0, datos$falla) # Issues warning

lme4/lme4 documentation built on April 24, 2024, 5:51 p.m.