This explores a problem posted on github and described in this GitHub issue, where running on Mac ARM64 throws an error but running under x86_64 emulation doesn't.

tl;dr this is a fairly unstable problem; it's absolutely standard that one gets slightly different results on different platforms, and when these results are on opposite sides of a tolerance boundary it can lead to the kind of difference you see here (i.e. some diagnostic metric is large enough to trigger an error or warning on one platform, and slightly smaller and hence just a little too small to trigger the warning on the other platform). You can probably work around this problem by changing the value of devtol when computing the confidence intervals; this argument controls the amount of deviation below the deviance of the fitted model (which should be the global minimum of the objective function, but isn't always) should be tolerated when fitting the profile.

What's below is admittedly a bit stream-of-consciousness.

knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
library(ggplot2); theme_set(theme_bw())
df <- read.csv("lme4_GH727.csv", header = TRUE)
model <- lmer(y ~ a + b + c + (1 | d/e), data = df)
summary(model, correlation = FALSE)  ## don't show correlation between fixed effects


v <- c(sapply(VarCorr(model), sqrt), resid = sigma(model))
(th1 <- v[1:2]/v[["resid"]])
(th2 <- getME(model, "theta"))
all.equal(unname(th1), unname(th2))
(tol <- lmerControl()$checkConv$check.conv.singular$tol)
th2 < tol

Another relevant control parameter is boundary.tol; if the estimated parameter is less than this value, then lmer will also check the goodness-of-fit at the boundary (i.e. for a parameter value of zero). The default value is r lmerControl()$boundary.tol, which is slightly smaller than the estimated parameter value (r getME(model, "theta")[1]), so this check is not done by default (on this platform). We can set it a bit larger to trigger the check:

model2 <- update(model, control = lmerControl(boundary.tol = 1e-3))
cbind(orig = getME(model, "theta"), boundary.tol = getME(model2, "theta"))

Conveniently, this difference in the boundary-checking tolerance is also enough to trigger the error that was seen on arm64. Since later checks established that the problem lies in the profile for the first parameter (the 1|e:d variance), we'll save a little bit of time by only getting that confidence interval:

## oldNames = FALSE gives slightly more interpretable names
(cc1 <- confint(model, oldNames = FALSE, parm = 1))
try(confint(model2, oldNames = FALSE, parm = 1))

We could work around this by passing a larger value of devtol:

(cc2 <- confint(model2, oldNames = FALSE, parm = 1, devtol = 1e-7))

The results are practically the same.

What's going on here? Can we look in a little more detail?

prof1 <- profile(model, which = 1, signames = FALSE, devtol = 1e-7)
prof1B <- profile(model, which = 1, signames = FALSE, devtol = 1e-7, delta = 1e-4)
prof2 <- profile(model2, which = 1, signames = FALSE, devtol = 1e-7)
prof2B <- profile(model2, which = 1, signames = FALSE, devtol = 1e-7, delta = 1e-4)
prof_all <- lme4:::namedList(prof1, prof1B, prof2, prof2B) |>
    purrr::map_dfr(, .id = "id")

The evaluation of the profile gets very noisy near the boundary:

print(gg_prof1 <- ggplot(prof_all, aes(.focal, .zeta, colour = id)) +
    geom_point(aes(shape=id)) + geom_line(aes(linetype=id)) +
    scale_x_log10() +

What about with other packages?

model3 <- glmmTMB(y ~ a + b + c + (1 | d/e), data = df, REML = TRUE)
model4 <- lme(y ~ a + b + c, random = ~1 | d/e, data = na.omit(df))
c(glmmTMB = VarCorr(model3)$cond[["e:d"]],
  lme = as.numeric(VarCorr(model4)[4,1]), ## ugh
  lmer.boundcheck = VarCorr(model2)[["e:d"]],
  lmer.default = VarCorr(model)[["e:d"]])
nll <- -1*c(glmmTMB = logLik(model3),
            lme = logLik(model4),
            lmer.boundcheck = logLik(model2),
            lmer.default = logLik(model))
nll - min(nll)            
model3B <- update(model3, REML = FALSE)
## can't compute profiles for REML models ...
prof3 <- profile(model3B, parm = 6, stderr=1, npts = 51)

Combine with other profile info (glmmTMB profile is not quite right - REML vs ML):

prof_allx <- dplyr::bind_rows(prof_all,
                                 id = "prof3",
                                 .focal = exp(.focal),
                                 .zeta = sqrt(value)))
gg_prof1 %+% prof_allx +
    scale_x_log10(limits=c(1e-8, NA))

(How much do d and d:e overlap? There are 9523 unique values of d and 9530 values of d:e, makes me worry that these are almost identical/very little resolution)

It does seem, though, that the inclusion of the 1|d/e term is warranted:

model5 <- lmer(y ~ a + b + c + (1 | d), data = df)
model6 <- lmer(y ~ a + b + c + (1 | d:e), data = df)
nll <- -1*sapply(list(nested = model, d_only = model5, de_only = model6), logLik)
nll - min(nll)

What about the likelihood surface? This is reasonably straightforward because everything except the two random-effect variance parameters is profiled out:

ff <- getME(model, "devfun")
all.equal(ff(getME(model, "theta")), -2*c(logLik(model)))
log10_ed_thetavec <- seq(-8, -4, length = 41)
d_thetavec <- seq(1.05, 1.055, length = 31)
res <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = 41, ncol = 31,
              dimnames = list(ed = log10_ed_thetavec,
                              d = d_thetavec))
for (i in seq_along(log10_ed_thetavec)) {
    for (j in seq_along(d_thetavec)) {
        res[i,j] <- ff(c(10^log10_ed_thetavec[i], d_thetavec[j]))
res2 <- |>
    mutate(across(c(ed, d), ~ as.numeric(as.character(.))),
           d_nll = Freq - min(Freq))
ggplot(res2, aes(x = ed, y = d)) +
    geom_raster(aes(fill = d_nll)) +
    scale_fill_viridis_c(trans = "log10")

if (FALSE) {
    um <- structure(c(-0.887270092964172, 0.0243131145834923, 0.460609048604965, 
                      0, 0.457728624343872, -0.076750248670578, 0.885773062705994, 
                      0, 0.0568877384066582, 0.996753692626953, 0.0569693520665169, 
                      0, 0, 0, 0, 1), dim = c(4L, 4L))
    par3d(userMatrix = um)
    persp3d(log10_ed_thetavec, d_thetavec, log10(res-min(res)+1e-8), col = "gray", specular = "white", zlab = "log10(dev diff + 1e-8)")

    ## rgl.snapshot("rgl.png")e


lme4/lme4 documentation built on May 4, 2024, 6:46 p.m.