Deviance and log-likelihood in lme4

Up to now/previously, "deviance" has been defined in lme4 as -2*(log likelihood). In the tweaked development version used here, I've redefined it as the sum of the (squared) deviance residuals.

Fit two basic models:

gm1 <- glmer(cbind(incidence, size - incidence) ~ period + (1 | herd),
             data = cbpp, family = binomial)
gm2 <- glmer(cbind(incidence, size - incidence) ~ period + (1 | herd),
             data = cbpp, family = binomial, nAGQ = 2)

Various summaries:

dd <- update(gm1,devFunOnly=TRUE)

The "deviance function" actually returns $-2L$, not the deviance.

Create a new version with $\theta$ set to zero (to check match with glm() likelihood, deviance, etc.):

## wrap deviance function: force $\theta=0$
dd2 <- function(p) {
(dev0 <- (opt0 <- optim(fn=dd2,par=getME(gm1,"beta")))$val)
mm2 <- mm <- getCall(gm1)
mm[[1]] <- quote(glFormula)
ff <- eval(mm)  ## auxiliary information
opt0$par <- c(0,opt0$par)
## have to convert names of results to make lme4 happy
names(opt0)[match(c("convergence","value"),names(opt0))] <- c("conv","fval")
gmb <- with(ff,mkMerMod(environment(dd),opt0,reTrms,fr,mm2))

And with glm:

gm0<- glm(cbind(incidence, size - incidence) ~ period,
             data = cbpp, family = binomial)
all.equal(deviance(gm0),deviance(gmb))  ## deviances match
(d0 <- c(-2*logLik(gm0)))
all.equal(dev0,d0)   ## 'deviance function' matches -2L
## deviance residuals match

I'm sure this has been gone over a million times before, but let's review the relationships between the deviance and the log-likelihood as defined in base R (i.e. glm):

## access dev. resids built into binomial():
devres2 <- with(cbpp,

(binomial()$dev.resid() calls the internal C_binomial_dev_resids function, which computes $2 w_i (y \log(y/\mu) + (1-y) \log((1-y)/(1-\mu)))$ \ldots) ... this is the same as the binomialDist::devResid defined in glmFamily.cpp ...

In logLik.glm, the log-likelihood is retrieved (weirdly, as has been pointed out before) from the $aic component of the fitted object (by computing ${\cal L}=p-\mbox{AIC}/2$), which is in turn computed directly, e.g. for binomial it is

    -2 * sum(ifelse(m > 0, (wt/m), 0) * dbinom(round(m * y),
        round(m), mu, log = TRUE))

(that is, the $aic function really computes -2*the log likelihood -- AIC.default uses -2 * val$ll + k * val$df) However, it gets worse for families with a scale parameter, for which the $aic component returns $-2{\cal L} + 2$. The additional $2$ presumably accounts for the scale parameter, e.g. for the gaussian family we have

n <- 10
yy <- rnorm(n)
mu <- rnorm(n)
ss <- sum((yy-mu)^2)
all.equal(gaussian()$aic(yy, 1, mu, 1, ss),
          -2 * sum(dnorm(yy, mu, sqrt(ss/n), log = TRUE)) + 2)

Note also the added two at the end of the definition of Gamma()$aic, which is

-2 * sum(dgamma(y, 1/disp, scale = mu * disp, log = TRUE) * wt) + 2
aic2 <- with(cbpp,

But takes the results of binomial()$aic() (which is $-2L$) and converts it to

aic.model <- aic(y, n, mu, weights, dev) + 2 * rank

In summary, in base R:

In lme4:

Bottom line: for GLMMs, I have changed the deviance() method to return the sum of squares of the deviance residuals, rather than $-2L$. Now let's see what breaks ...

The definition of deviance and log-likelihood

As discussed above, even in GLMs there are questions about how to define deviance. For example is it just minus twice the log-likelihood or does it involve subtracting the deviance for the saturated model? With GLMMs there is the additional distinction between marginal and conditional deviance.

We represent the conditional log-likelihood as $\log p_{\theta, \beta}(y | u)$ and the unconditional as $\log p_{\theta, \beta}(y)$. The exact relation between the two is $p_{\theta, \beta}(y) = \int p_{\theta, \beta}(y | u) p(u)$, where $p(u)$ is an independent multivariate normal. For canonical links, the Laplace approximation to the marginal log-likelihood is $\log (p_{\theta, \beta}(y | u)) - \frac{1}{2}\|u\|^2 - |L_{\theta}|$ (nb that this is technically an approximate Laplace approximation in the non-canonical link case). Here are several ways to compute this approximate marginal log-likelihood:

logLik(gm1) # which calls ...
-0.5 * lme4:::devCrit(gm1)    # which calls ...
-0.5 * gm1@devcomp$cmp["dev"] # which is computed from something like ...
-0.5 * dd(gm1@optinfo$val)    # which is computed from something like ...
-0.5 * (gm1@resp$aic() + gm1@pp$sqrL(1) + gm1@pp$ldL2()) # which is wrapped into ...
lme4ord:::laplace(gm1) # which by the family$aic property discussed above is also given by ...
sum(with(cbpp, dbinom(incidence, size, fitted(gm1), log = TRUE))) - 0.5 * (gm1@pp$sqrL(1) + gm1@pp$ldL2())

The explanation of these results is that -0.5 * object@resp$aic() gives the conditional log-likelihood, $\log p_{\theta, \beta}(y | u)$, which is why this term can also be obtained with dbinom in the above example. The Laplace approximation correction terms for converting a conditional log-likelihood into a marginal log-likelihood are gm1@pp$sqrL(1) and gm1@pp$ldL2()).

For reasons discussed above, it may be confusing that another log-likelihood synonym is not,

-0.5 * (deviance(gm1) + gm1@pp$sqrL(1) + gm1@pp$ldL2())

The reason why is that deviance returns the conditional model deviance minus the conditional saturated deviance.

In summary, on the deviance scale, we have:

| relative to saturated | conditional | marginal | | --------------------- | ----------- | -------- | | yes | deviance(object) | ???? | | no | object@resp$aic() | -2 * logLik(object) |

Considering this table helps to identify several inconsistencies with terminology. For example, the deviance reported in the print.merMod method is actually reporting -2 * logLik(object) as opposed to deviance(object):


On one hand it makes sense to give a marginal deviance in the print method because marginal AIC is used there too:

lme4:::getLlikAIC(gm1)$AICtab["deviance"] + 2 * length(gm1@optinfo$val)

On the other hand, as discussed above, deviance usually is defined relative to the saturated model. So arguably what we need in the print method is a marginal version of the deviance relative to the saturated model (see the ????'s in the table above).

Inconsistencies between Laplace and Gauss-Hermite (#161)

Recall that gm1 and gm2 were fitted with Laplace approximation and nAGQ = 2 respectively. These two models should have rather similar log-likelihoods, but yet we have:


This seems to be fixable with:

c(logLik(gm2)) - 0.5 * (deviance(gm2) + sum(getME(gm2, "u")^2))

If this holds up with more examples, should we modify logLik.merMod accordingly?

lme4/lme4 documentation built on Aug. 30, 2024, 6:17 p.m.