
lme4 options


These parameters should be all be retained as explicit arguments to [g]lmer, because they're very basic and very commonly used (and more generally, they affect what model is fitted rather than how it is fitted).

The only required argument is formula, although data should usually be specified and family should usually be specified for GLMMs.

The ? arguments could possibly be relegated to the "control" level ...


There are two levels of control: (1) control arguments that get passed through to the optimizer and (2) control arguments that might be used within the lme4 code.

At present control includes only category #1 (although a few of the control parameters (rhobeg, rhoend, xst, verbose) may get manipulated in optwrap before being passed through to the optimizer if the default optimizers, bobyqa or Nelder_Mead, are used).

By analogy with lme, we should arguably add an lmerControl argument and function, which takes arguments in category #2 and takes category #1 as additional ... arguments ...

Checking control

In general for maximum flexibility we might want checking parameters to allow the options {"stop", "warn", "ignore"} (if we were being more flexible, which I wouldn't recommend, we could allow FALSE to be equivalent to "ignore"). End users can always use suppressWarnings at the top level to get rid of warnings, although allowing suppression of individual warning gives much more flexibility (suppressWarnings can't selectively suppress warnings).

There are lots of choices for warnings: should this be nested within yet another level of control, or given as a separate list of controls?

Passing control options among functions

It's a little complicated making sure all the control options get to the right place; when are they stored in control, when are they passed as individual arguments, etc.?

Starting options

lme4/lme4 documentation built on April 19, 2024, 10:30 a.m.