
get_phrase_scores <- function(candidates, top_fraction = top_fraction){
  tokens <- purrr::map(candidates, tokenizers::tokenize_words)
  token_lengths <- purrr::map(tokens, lengths)
  temp_df <- dplyr::data_frame(
    names = purrr::as_vector(purrr::map2(names(candidates), purrr::map_int(token_lengths, sum), rep)),
    phrases = purrr::as_vector(purrr::map2(candidates, token_lengths, rep)),
    tokens = purrr::as_vector(purrr::modify_depth(tokens, 1, .f = purrr::as_vector)),
    degree = purrr::as_vector(purrr::map2(token_lengths, token_lengths, rep))  
  temp_df <- temp_df %>% 
    dplyr::group_by(names, tokens) %>% 
      freq = n(),
      degree = sum(degree),
      degreeFreq = degree / freq)%>%
    dplyr::group_by(names, phrases) %>% 
      score = sum(degreeFreq)) %>% 
      score >= quantile(score, top_fraction)

#' Rapid automatic extraction of keywords from documents
#' This is the main functions for extracting and returning ranked keywords. This
#' algorithm works by tokenizing words and phrases based on stopwords. After 
#' tokenization the frequency of tokens and their degree \(i.e. their 
#' coocurrence with words in the remaining phrases\) are used to rank phrases. 
#' Stopwords can include both common english words and can be enhanced by 
#' including a vector of domain specific stop words.
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%" 
#' @export
#' @param x a character vector of texts to find keywords for
#' @param top_fraction the fraction of the most highly ranked phrases to return
#' @param method one of "degreeFreq", "degree", or "freq". degreeFreq is simply 
#'   degree // frequency.
#' @examples 
#' rake(test_text, 5, "degree")
#' rake(test_text, 15)
#' @return returns a list with elements composed of one named integer vector for
#' each document. key phrases are names and values are ranked
rake <- function(x, 
                 split_words = smart_stop_words(),
                 split_punct = basic_punct(),
                 split_on_numbers = T,
                 stem = F,
                 top_fraction = 1/3) {
    stop("rake only works on character vectors")
  if(stem == T){
    x <- stem_in_place(x)
    split_words <- stem_in_place(split_words)
    split_words <- unique(split_words)
  candidates <- candidate_phrases(
    split_words = split_words, 
    split_punct = split_punct, 
    remove_numbers = split_on_numbers
  scores <- get_phrase_scores(candidates, top_fraction = top_fraction)
lmkirvan/rakeR documentation built on May 14, 2019, 1:46 p.m.