
# Script to create SpatialExperiment object of the Merscope human ovarian cancer
# patient 1 slice 2. 
# Yixing Dong, updated Mar 2024

# references:
# Merscope `_cell_by_gene.csv` and `_cell_metadata.csv` file were downloaded from
# \url{;tab=objects?prefix=&forceOnObjectsSortingFiltering=false}

# in this script we download the merscope data and reshape it into a 
# SpatialExperiment object

# First, we need to install the `SpatialExperimentIO` loader package that would 
# return Xenium as a `SpatialExperiment` object: 

# install.packages("devtools")
# devtools::install_github("estellad/SpatialExperimentIO")

# or with the version of the package on Bioconductor: 

# if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly=TRUE))
#   install.packages("BiocManager")
# BiocManager::install("SpatialExperimentIO", version = "devel")


# -------------
# Download data
# -------------
# Put the downloaded unzipped file into a folder. Make sure that two mandatory 
# files do exist. 
mer_lung_p2s1_path <- here::here("raw_data/mer_patient1slice2")
mer_folder <- list.files(mer_lung_p2s1_path, pattern = ".csv")

# ------------------------
# Create SpatialExperiment
# ------------------------

mer_spe <- readMerscopeSXE(mer_lung_p2s1_path, return_type = "SPE")

# ------------------
# Saving data object
# ------------------

# We save the data to file for upload to `r Biocpkg("ExperimentHub")`.
repath <- here::here(file.path("raw_rds", "MERSCOPE_ovarianCancer"))
dir.create(repath, showWarnings=FALSE, recursive=TRUE)
saveRDS(mer_spe, file=file.path(here::here(repath, "MERSCOPE_ovarianCancer.rds")))
lmweber/STexampleData documentation built on May 22, 2024, 11:34 a.m.