
Defines functions decodePolyline

#' Decode Google polyline into latitude and longitude
#' This function converts the polyline into latitude and longitude coordinates.
#' @author First Daniel Padfield then Wei Long
#' @param polyline character element of Google polyline of an activity
#' @return A vector of latitudes an longitudes in decimals separated by a comma
#' @importFrom bitops bitOr bitShiftL bitAnd bitShiftR
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' decode_Polyline()}
#' @export
#' @seealso \url{https://s4rdd.blogspot.co.uk/2012/12/google-maps-api-decoding-polylines-for.html?showComment=1473004506791#c3610119369153401460}

decodePolyline <- function(polyline = NULL){

    ## test input
    if(is.null(polyline)){ stop("polyline cannot be NULL or empty string")}
    if(polyline == ""){ stop("polyline cannot be NULL or empty string")}
    if(!is.character(polyline)){ stop("polyline must be a character string")}
    if(length(polyline) != 1){ stop("polyline must be of length 1")}

vlen <- nchar(polyline)
    vindex <- 0
    varray <- NULL
    vlat <- 0
    vlng <- 0

    while(vindex < vlen){
        vb <- NULL
        vshift <- 0
        vresult <- 0
            if(vindex + 1 <= vlen){
                vindex <- vindex + 1
                vb <- as.integer(charToRaw(substr(polyline, vindex, vindex))) - 63

            vresult <- bitops::bitOr(vresult, bitops::bitShiftL(bitops::bitAnd(vb, 31), vshift))
            vshift <- vshift + 5
            if(vb < 32) break

        dlat <- ifelse(
            bitops::bitAnd(vresult, 1)
            , -(bitops::bitShiftR(vresult, 1)+1)
            , bitops::bitShiftR(vresult, 1)
        vlat <- vlat + dlat

        vshift <- 0
        vresult <- 0
            if(vindex + 1 <= vlen) {
                vindex <- vindex+1
                vb <- as.integer(charToRaw(substr(polyline, vindex, vindex))) - 63

            vresult <- bitops::bitOr(vresult, bitops::bitShiftL(bitops::bitAnd(vb, 31), vshift))
            vshift <- vshift + 5
            if(vb < 32) break

        dlng <- ifelse(
            bitops::bitAnd(vresult, 1)
            , -(bitops::bitShiftR(vresult, 1)+1)
            , bitops::bitShiftR(vresult, 1)
        vlng <- vlng + dlng

        varray <- rbind(varray, c(vlat * 1e-5, vlng * 1e-5))
    coords <- data.frame(varray)
    names(coords) <- c("lat", "lon")
    #coords <- tidyr::unite(coords, latlon, c(lat, lon), sep = ',')
longwei66/mountainbikeR documentation built on April 16, 2020, 6:23 p.m.