roxygenize_with_cache: Roxygen and add a cache entry

View source: R/roxygen2.R

roxygenize_with_cacheR Documentation

Roxygen and add a cache entry


This function is only exported for use in hook scripts, but it's not intended to be called by the end-user directly.


roxygenize_with_cache(key, dirs)



An optional object from which a hexadecimal hash code will be generated and appended to the filename.


A character vector constituting the path to the cache subdirectory (of the cache root directory as returned by getCacheRootPath()) to be used. If NULL, the path will be the cache root path.

See Also

Other hook script helpers: diff_requires_run_roxygenize(), dirs_R.cache(), may_require_permanent_cache(), precommit_docopt(), robust_purl(), roxygen_assert_additional_dependencies()

lorenzwalthert/precommit documentation built on Feb. 7, 2025, 4:31 p.m.