#' Check if we should run roxygen.
#' This is the case if a new or replaced/removed line contains a roxygen2
#' comment in a file that is staged.
#' This function is only exported for use in hook scripts, but it's not intended
#' to be called by the end-user directly.
#' @param root The root of the git repo.
#' @return
#' A logical vector of length 1.
#' @keywords internal
#' @family hook script helpers
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' diff_requires_run_roxygenize()
#' }
#' @export
diff_requires_run_roxygenize <- function(root = ".") {
git_raw_diff <- withr::with_dir(
root, call_and_capture("git", c("diff", "--cached"))
is_roxygen <- grepl("^(\\+|-)#'", git_raw_diff)
if (any(is_roxygen)) {
} else {
# check if formals were changed
# we invalidate the cache on formal change, even if it is not sure they are
# documented with roxygen. This is easy, cheap and safe. Might give false
# positive (invalidates in cases where it's not necessary).
without_comments <- gsub("#.*", "", git_raw_diff)
any(grep("function(", without_comments, fixed = TRUE))
#' Assert if all dependencies are installed
#' This function is only exported for use in hook scripts, but it's not intended
#' to be called by the end-user directly.
#' @family hook script helpers
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
roxygen_assert_additional_dependencies <- function() {
out <- rlang::try_fetch(
# roxygen2 will load: https://github.com/r-lib/roxygen2/issues/771
pkgload::load_all(quiet = TRUE),
error = function(e) {
if (
inherits(out, "packageNotFoundError") ||
("message" %in% names(out) && (
grepl("Dependency package(\\(s\\))? .* not available", out$message) ||
grepl("Failed to load", out$message)
) {
# case used in package but not installed
"The roxygenize hook requires all dependencies of your package to be listed in ",
"the file `.pre-commit-config.yaml`. ",
"Call `precommit::snippet_generate('additional-deps-roxygenize')` ",
"to generate that list or, to completely deactivate the hook, ",
"comment out all lines corresponding to that hook under \n\n",
" - id: roxygenize\n",
" some_key_under_id_roxygenize: comment-out-as-well\n",
" - id: some-other-hook-do-not-comment-out\n\n",
"The initial error (from `pkgload::load_all()`) was: ",
conditionMessage(out), ".\n\n"
#' Roxygen and add a cache entry
#' This function is only exported for use in hook scripts, but it's not intended
#' to be called by the end-user directly.
#' @inheritParams R.cache::saveCache
#' @family hook script helpers
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @importFrom R.cache saveCache
# fails if accessed with R.cache::saveCache()!
roxygenize_with_cache <- function(key, dirs) {
out <- rlang::try_fetch(
error = function(e) e
if (
inherits(out, c("packageNotFoundError", "rlib_error_package_not_found")) ||
("message" %in% names(out) && grepl("The package .* is required\\.", conditionMessage(out)))
) {
" Please add the package as a dependency to ",
"`.pre-commit-config.yaml` -> `id: roxygenize` -> ",
"`additional_dependencies` and try again. The package must be ",
"specified so `renv::install()` understands it, e.g. like this:\n\n",
" - id: roxygenize",
- r-lib/pkgapi # replace `r-lib/pkgapi` with the package required\n\n"
} else if (inherits(out, "error")) {
} else if (inherits(out, "warning")) {
saveCache(object = Sys.time(), key = key, dirs = dirs)
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