Man pages for lorweiuk/CREx
Run behavioral experiments from R.

CRaudio_pausePauses audio currently played on channel.
CRaudio_resumeResumes audio previously paused on channel.
CRaudio_volumeSets volume for audio channel.
CRcloseCloses CREx resources.
CRcolor_to_transparentSets color in image to transparent.
CRcreate_textureCreates texture.
CRdraw_circleDraws outline of a circle.
CRdraw_circle_nDraws outline of a circle with limited precision.
CRdraw_circlesDraws outline of multiple circles.
CRdraw_imageDraws image.
CRdraw_lineDraws line.
CRdraw_linesDraws multiple lines.
CRdraw_pointDraws point.
CRdraw_pointsDraws multiple points.
CRdraw_polygonDraws polygon.
CRdraw_rectDraws rectangle.
CRdraw_rectsDraws multiple rectangles.
CRdraw_textDraws text.
CRdraw_textureCopies texture.
CRfill_circleDraws a filled circle.
CRfill_circle_nDraws a filled circle with limited precision.
CRfill_circlesDraws multiple filled circles.
CRfill_polygonDraws filled polygon.
CRfill_rectDraws a filled rectangle.
CRfill_rectsDraws multiple filled rectangles.
CRflushFlushes pending events.
CRget_timeGives time in milliseconds.
CRhide_mouseHides mouse symbol.
CRinit_audioInitializes audio system.
CRload_fontLoads font.
CRload_imageLoads image-file.
CRload_wavLoads wav-file.
CRopenOpens a window, initializes graphics and related structures.
CRopen_controllerOpens gamecontroller.
CRplay_wavPlays wav-file.
CRpoll_eventPolls next pending event.
CRrender_clearClears rendering target.
CRrender_presentPresents stimuli to screen.
CRreset_render_targetResets rendering target.
CRset_blend_modeSets the blend mode for renderer.
CRset_render_colorSets color for render drawing.
CRset_render_targetSets texture as rendering target.
CRset_window_sizeSets new dimensions for window.
CRshow_mouseShows mouse again.
CRtext_sizePredicts text dimensions.
CRupdate_render_sizeUpdates width and height info in graphics-list.
CRwait_msWaits a certain number of milliseconds.
lorweiuk/CREx documentation built on March 16, 2024, 3:04 a.m.