CRset_blend_mode: Sets the blend mode for renderer.

View source: R/CRset_blend_mode.R

CRset_blend_modeR Documentation

Sets the blend mode for renderer.


Sets the blend mode when using render drawing operations (CRfill_rect etc.). The blend mode affects how colors at the same screen position are combined during rendering, based on their alpha value. Mode "none" simply overwrites color. Mode "blend" does alpha blending, with resulting color a weighted average of rendered colors. Mode "add" does additive blending, mode "mod" does color modulation.


CRset_blend_mode(graphics_list, mode, status = NULL)



List containing pointers to window, renderer etc. created with CRopen.


String specifying the desired blend mode, can be "none", "blend", "add", "mod".


Optional list status with elements value and message to retrieve warnings and error messages.

lorweiuk/CREx documentation built on March 16, 2024, 3:04 a.m.