optimal.tickmarks: Find tickmarks for a given range of the y-axis that best fit...

View source: R/optimal.tickmarks.R

optimal.tickmarksR Documentation

Find tickmarks for a given range of the y-axis that best fit an optimal number of tickmarks you decide. f.i: what if i want to have a graph with 8 tickmarks in a range of 34 to 345


Find tickmarks for a given range of the y-axis that best fit an optimal number of tickmarks you decide. f.i: what if i want to have a graph with 8 tickmarks in a range of 34 to 345


  i.number.ticks = 10,
  i.valid.ticks = apply(expand.grid(c(1, 2, 2.5, 5), 10^(-10:10)), 1, FUN = function(x)
     x[1] * x[2]
  i.include.min = F,
  i.include.max = F

lozalojo/mem documentation built on July 7, 2023, 10 a.m.