#' CCAMLRGIS: An R package for loading and creating geographic data that is compatible with the online CCAMLR GIS
#' The CCAMLRGIS package provides two categories of functions: load functions and create functions 
#' @section load functions are used to import CCAMLR Reference into R (ideally from the geoserver) and include:
#' load_ASDs, load_SSRUs, load_RBs, load_SSMUs, load_MAs, load_Coastline, load_RefAreas, load_MPAs, load_EEZs provide easy loading of CCAMLR Reference data 
#' Data that is classified as "master" data is available in "GEOJSON" format and "RDATA" format is available in all load functions 
#' @section create functions are used to create spatial data that is compatible with CCAMLR Reference data and the CCAMLR online GIS. The include:
#'  create_Polys and create_PolyGrids
#'  Other functions that support the create functions include Clip2Coast and DensifyData
#' @section Vignettes:
#' To learn more about CCAMLRGIS, start with the vignettes:
#' \code{browseVignettes(package = "CCAMLRGIS")}
#' @docType package
#' @name CCAMLRGIS
#' @importFrom graticule graticule

#' ASD data
#' @docType data
#' @format SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
#' @source https://gis.ccamlr.org/home see information (i) under Management areas
#' @name ASD_data

#' SSRU data
#' @docType data
#' @format SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
#' @source https://gis.ccamlr.org/home see information (i) under Management areas
#' @name SSRU_data

#' SSMU data
#' @docType data
#' @format SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
#' @source https://gis.ccamlr.org/home see information (i) under Management areas
#' @name SSMU_data

#' Coastline data
#' @docType data
#' @format SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
#' @source https://gis.ccamlr.org/home see information (i) under Coastlines
#' @name Coastline_data

#' MA data
#' @docType data
#' @format SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
#' @source https://gis.ccamlr.org/home see information (i) under Management areas
#' @name MA_data

#' MPA data
#' @docType data
#' @format SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
#' @source https://gis.ccamlr.org/home see information (i) under Management areas
#' @name MPA_data

#' RB data
#' @docType data
#' @format SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
#' @source https://gis.ccamlr.org/home see information (i) under Management areas
#' @name RB_data

#' RefAreas 
#'  These were Reference Areas used in local toothfish biomass estimation (see WG-FSA-17/42 for further details)
#' @docType data
#' @format SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
#' @source see inst/lrobinson-notes/createRefAreas.R
#' @name RefAreas

#' EEZ data
#' @docType data
#' @format SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
#' @source https://gis.ccamlr.org/ see information (i) under Management areas
#' @name EEZ_data
lucymerobinson/CCAMLRGIS documentation built on May 14, 2019, 8:59 a.m.