Man pages for lucyov26/RankMetric
Calculates the Distance between Rankings for different Metrics

cayleyCayley's Distance
cayleyECayley's Distance with Ties
cayleyPCayley's Distance for Partial rankings
fifa16Voting data from 2016 FIFA Best Player of the Year
hamHamming Distance
hamEHamming Distance with Ties
hamGHamming Distance for any Number of Ties
hamPHamming Distance for Partial rankings
invInverse Permutation
kendKendall's Tau
kendEKendall's Tau for Tankings with Ties
kendGKendall's Tau for any Number of Ties
kendPKendall's Distance for Partial rankings
kendRcomputes Kendall's distance
labourVoting data from the 2010 UK Labour leadership election.
nijcomputes the no of elements that are in the ith group in a...
permnon decreasing permutations
pmultMetrics for Rankings
RankMetricMetrics for Rankings
spearSpearman's Rho
spearESpearman's Rho for rankings with Ties
spearfootSpearman's Footrule
spearfootESpearman's Footrule with Ties
spearfootGSpearman's Footrule for any Number of Ties
spearfootPSpearman's Footrule for Partial rankings
spearGSpearman's Rho for any Number of Ties
spearPSpearman's Rho for Partial rankings
ulamUlam's Distance
ulamEUlam's distance with Ties
ulamGUlam's distance for any Number of Ties
ulamPUlam's Distance for Partial rankings
lucyov26/RankMetric documentation built on May 6, 2019, 9:09 a.m.