inspect_loads_MSqRob: Inspect the variables present in a data.frame from binary...

inspect_loads_MSqRobR Documentation

Inspect the variables present in a data.frame from binary file


inspect_loads_MSqRob returns the names of the variables present in a .RDatas file, some or all of which can be used in the variables argument of the loads_MSqRob function if one prefers to load only some variables.


inspect_loads_MSqRob(file = NULL)



character string: the (RDatas) filename from which to inspect the variable names.


The variable names present in the .RDatas file.

See Also

Other saves_MSqRob to save R objects to RDatas binary format: loads_MSqRob

Other loads_MSqRob to load R objects from RDatas binary format.: saves_MSqRob

ludgergoeminne/MSqRob documentation built on Jan. 11, 2023, 1:32 p.m.