saves_MSqRob: Save the variables of a data.frame in distinct binary files

saves_MSqRobR Documentation

Save the variables of a data.frame in distinct binary files


saves_MSqRob is almost a pure copy of the saves function from the saves package by Dar\'oczi (2013) with some minor code tweaks to make it work for MSqRob. It saves dataframe(s) or list(s) to disk in a special, binary format. This binary format consists of distinct binary files of all separate variables of a dataframe/list merged into an uncompressed tar archive. This is done via a loop, which saves each variable/column to an an external representation of the R objects via save in a temporary directory. These 'RData' files are archived to an 'RDatas' tar archive, uncompressed for better speed.


saves_MSqRob(..., envir = environment(), list = character(), file = NULL,
  overwrite = FALSE, = FALSE, shiny = FALSE,
  printProgress = FALSE, message = NULL)



R objects: the names of the objects to be saved (as symbols or character strings)


character vector: the name(s) of the data frame(s) or list(s) to save


character vector: the (RDatas) filename(s) in which to save the variables in the current working directory


boolean: if TRUE, existing files will be deleted before saving. Default set to FALSE, which will report error on conflicting file names.

boolean: if TRUE, ultra fast (...) processing is done without any check to parameters, also no archiving or compression is done. Be sure if using this setting, as many uncompressed files could be generated in the working directory's subdirectory named to df. Only recommended for servers dealing with lot of R objects' saves and loads in a monitored environment.


The saved filename(s) (invisible).


Dar\'oczi, G. (2013). saves: Fast load variables. R package version 0.5, URL

See Also

Other loads_MSqRob to load R objects from RDatas binary format.: inspect_loads_MSqRob

Other inspect_loads_MSqRob to inspect the content of an RDatas binary object.: loads_MSqRob


## Not run:
## Saving the demo dataset to evs.2000.hun.RDatas in current working directory.
## Saving both the demo dataset and mtcars to current working directory
saves_MSqRob(evs.2000.hun, mtcars)
saves_MSqRob(list=c('evs.2000.hun', 'mtcars'))
## Saving all kind of cars :)
saves_MSqRob(cars, mtcars, overwrite = TRUE)
saves_MSqRob(list=c('cars', 'mtcars'), overwrite = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

ludgergoeminne/MSqRob documentation built on Jan. 11, 2023, 1:32 p.m.