Man pages for luisdamiano/BayesHMM
Full Bayesian Inference for Hidden Markov Models

BayesHMM-packageBayesHMM: Full Bayesian Inference for Hidden Markov Models
BernoulliBernoulli mass (univariate, discrete, bounded space)
BetaBeta density (univariate, continuous, bounded space)
BinomialBinomial mass (univariate, discrete, bounded space)
block_dataWrite the data block of the Stan code.
block_data.DensityWrite the data block of the Stan code.
block_data.DiscreteDensityWrite the data block of the Stan code.
block_data.RegBernoulliLogitWrite the data block of the Stan code.
block_data.RegBinomialLogitWrite the data block of the Stan code.
block_data.RegBinomialProbitWrite the data block of the Stan code.
block_data.RegCategoricalSoftmaxWrite the data block of the Stan code.
block_data.RegGaussianWrite the data block of the Stan code.
block_data.SpecificationWrite the data block of the Stan code.
block_functionsWrite the function block of the Stan code.
block_functions.SpecificationWrite the function block of the Stan code.
block_generatedWrite the generated quantities block of the Stan code.
block_generated.SpecificationWrite the generated quantities block of the Stan code.
block_parametersWrite the parameters block of the Stan code.
block_parameters.SpecificationWrite the parameters block of the Stan code.
block_targetWrite the model block of the Stan code.
block_target.SpecificationWrite the model block of the Stan code.
block_tdataWrite the transformed data block of the Stan code.
block_tdata.SpecificationWrite the transformed data block of the Stan code.
block_tparametersWrite the transformed parameters block of the Stan code.
block_tparameters.SpecificationWrite the transformed parameters block of the Stan code.
browse_modelLoad the underlying Stan code into an IDE or browser.
browse_model.OptimizationLoad the underlying Stan code into an IDE or browser.
browse_model.SpecificationLoad the underlying Stan code into an IDE or browser.
browse_model.stanfitLoad the underlying Stan code into an IDE or browser.
browse_model.stanmodelLoad the underlying Stan code into an IDE or browser.
CategoricalCategorical mass (univariate, discrete, bounded space)
CauchyCauchy density (univariate, continuous, unbounded space)
CholeskyLKJCorCholesky LKJ Correlation density (multivariate, continuous,...
classify_alphaClassify observations based on filtered probabilities.
classify_alpha.OptimizationClassify observations based on filtered probabilities.
classify_alpha.stanfitClassify observations based on filtered probabilities.
classify_gammaClassify observations based on smoothed probabilities.
classify_gamma.OptimizationClassify observations based on smoothed probabilities.
classify_gamma.stanfitClassify observations based on smoothed probabilities.
classify_quantityClassify observations based on latent state probabilities.
classify_zstarAssign the hidden states to the most likely path (_zstar_).
classify_zstar.OptimizationAssign the hidden states to the most likely path (_zstar_).
classify_zstar.stanfitAssign the hidden states to the most likely path (_zstar_).
compileCompile a specified model.
compile.SpecificationCompile a specified model.
constantsWrite the Stan code lines related with Density constants.
constants.BinomialWrite the Stan code lines related with Density constants.
constants.CategoricalWrite the Stan code lines related with Density constants.
constants.DensityWrite the Stan code lines related with Density constants.
constants.MultinomialWrite the Stan code lines related with Density constants.
constants.RegBinomialLogitWrite the Stan code lines related with Density constants.
constants.RegBinomialProbitWrite the Stan code lines related with Density constants.
constants.RegCategoricalSoftmaxWrite the Stan code lines related with Density constants.
DensityCreate a representation of a probability mass or density...
DirichletDirichlet density (multivariate, continuous, unbounded space)
DiscreteDensityCreate a representation of a probability mass or density...
draw_samplesDraw samples from a specification.
draw_samples.OptimizationDraw samples from a specification.
draw_samples.SpecificationDraw samples from a specification.
draw_samples.stanfitDraw samples from a specification.
draw_samples.stanmodelDraw samples from a specification.
explainCreate a user-friendly text describing the model.
explain_densityExplain a Density object in human readable format.
explain_density.DensityExplain a Density object in human readable format.
explain_density.DensityListExplain a Density object in human readable format.
explain_density.InitialFixedExplain a Density object in human readable format.
explain_density.InitialSoftmaxExplain a Density object in human readable format.
explain_density.TransitionFixedExplain a Density object in human readable format.
explain_density.TransitionSoftmaxExplain a Density object in human readable format.
explain_initialCreate an outline of the initial distribution model.
explain_initial.SpecificationCreate an outline of the initial distribution model.
explain_observationCreate an outline of the observation model.
explain_observation.SpecificationCreate an outline of the observation model.
explain.SpecificationCreate a user-friendly text describing the model.
explain_transitionCreate an outline of the transition model.
explain_transition.SpecificationCreate an outline of the transition model.
ExponentialExponential density (univariate, continuous, bounded space)
extractExtract quantities from a model fitted with BayesHMM.
extract_alphaExtract the estimates of the filtered probability (alpha).
extract_bestReturn the optimization object for the run with the hightest...
extract_dataExtract the dataset used to fit the model.
extract_dateExtract the date when the model was run.
extract_date.OptimizationExtract the date when the model was run.
extract_date.stanfitExtract the date when the model was run.
extract_diagnosticsExtract MCMC convergence and posterior predictive...
extract_diagnostics.stanfitExtract MCMC convergence and posterior predictive...
extract_filenameExtract the path to file with the underlying Stan code.
extract_gammaExtract the estimates of the smoothed probability (gamma).
extract_gridExtract summary results from the optimization procedure.
extract_KExtract the number of hidden states _K_.
extract_modelExtract the underlying Stan code.
extract_n_chainsExtract the number of chains _M_.
extract_n_chains.stanfitExtract the number of chains _M_.
extract_n_iterationsExtract the number of total iterations.
extract_n_iterations.stanfitExtract the number of total iterations.
extract_n_thinExtract the thinning periodicity.
extract_n_thin.stanfitExtract the thinning periodicity.
extract_n_warmupExtract the number of warmup iterations.
extract_n_warmup.stanfitExtract the number of warmup iterations.
extract_obs_parametersExtract the estimates of the observation model parameters.
extract_parameter_namesExtract the names of all the model parameters in the fit...
extract_parameter_names.OptimizationExtract the names of all the model parameters in the fit...
extract_parameter_names.stanfitExtract the names of all the model parameters in the fit...
extract_parametersExtract the estimates of the model parameters (observation,...
extract_quantityExtract estimated quantities from fit objects.
extract_quantity.OptimizationExtract estimated quantities from fit objects.
extract_quantity.stanfitExtract estimated quantities from fit objects.
extract_RExtract the dimension of the observation vector _R_.
extract_sample_sizeExtract the number of iterations kept after warmup.
extract_sample_size.stanfitExtract the number of iterations kept after warmup.
extract_seedExtract the seed used to fit the model.
extract_seed.OptimizationExtract the seed used to fit the model.
extract_seed.stanfitExtract the seed used to fit the model.
extract_specExtract the 'Specification' object used to object the model.
extract_stanmodelExtract the stanmodel object of the fitted object.
extract_stanmodel.OptimizationExtract the stanmodel object of the fitted object.
extract_stanmodel.stanfitExtract the stanmodel object of the fitted object.
extract_stanmodel.stanmodelExtract the stanmodel object of the fitted object.
extract_TExtract the length of the time series _T_.
extract_timeExtract the time elapsed when fitting the model.
extract_time.OptimizationExtract the time elapsed when fitting the model.
extract_time.stanfitExtract the time elapsed when fitting the model.
extract_yExtract the obsevation matrix used to fit the model _y_
extract_ypredExtract the sample of the observation variable drawn from the...
extract_ysimExtract the simulated sample of the observation variable...
extract_zpredExtract the sample of the hidden state path drawn from the...
extract_zsimExtract the simulated sample of the state variable (zsim).
extract_zstarExtract the estimates of the most likely hidden state...
fitFit a model by MCMC
fit.OptimizationFit a model by MCMC
fit.SpecificationFit a model by MCMC
fit.stanfitFit a model by MCMC
fit.stanmodelFit a model by MCMC
fixedParametersWrite the Stan code lines related with Density fixed...
fixedParameters.BernoulliWrite the Stan code lines related with Density fixed...
fixedParameters.BetaWrite the Stan code lines related with Density fixed...
fixedParameters.BinomialWrite the Stan code lines related with Density fixed...
fixedParameters.CategoricalWrite the Stan code lines related with Density fixed...
fixedParameters.CauchyWrite the Stan code lines related with Density fixed...
fixedParameters.DirichletWrite the Stan code lines related with Density fixed...
fixedParameters.ExponentialWrite the Stan code lines related with Density fixed...
fixedParameters.GammaDensityWrite the Stan code lines related with Density fixed...
fixedParameters.GaussianWrite the Stan code lines related with Density fixed...
fixedParameters.InitialFixedWrite the Stan code lines related with Density fixed...
fixedParameters.InitialSoftmaxWrite the Stan code lines related with Density fixed...
fixedParameters.MultinomialWrite the Stan code lines related with Density fixed...
fixedParameters.MVGaussianWrite the Stan code lines related with Density fixed...
fixedParameters.MVGaussianCholeskyCorWrite the Stan code lines related with Density fixed...
fixedParameters.MVStudentWrite the Stan code lines related with Density fixed...
fixedParameters.NegativeBinomialWrite the Stan code lines related with Density fixed...
fixedParameters.NegativeBinomialLocationWrite the Stan code lines related with Density fixed...
fixedParameters.PoissonWrite the Stan code lines related with Density fixed...
fixedParameters.PriorOnlyDensityWrite the Stan code lines related with Density fixed...
fixedParameters.RegBernoulliLogitWrite the Stan code lines related with Density fixed...
fixedParameters.RegBinomialLogitWrite the Stan code lines related with Density fixed...
fixedParameters.RegBinomialProbitWrite the Stan code lines related with Density fixed...
fixedParameters.RegCategoricalSoftmaxWrite the Stan code lines related with Density fixed...
fixedParameters.RegGaussianWrite the Stan code lines related with Density fixed...
fixedParameters.StudentWrite the Stan code lines related with Density fixed...
fixedParameters.TransitionFixedWrite the Stan code lines related with Density fixed...
fixedParameters.TransitionSoftmaxWrite the Stan code lines related with Density fixed...
freeParametersWrite the Stan code lines related with Density free...
freeParameters.BernoulliWrite the Stan code lines related with Density free...
freeParameters.BetaWrite the Stan code lines related with Density free...
freeParameters.BinomialWrite the Stan code lines related with Density free...
freeParameters.CategoricalWrite the Stan code lines related with Density free...
freeParameters.CauchyWrite the Stan code lines related with Density free...
freeParameters.DirichletWrite the Stan code lines related with Density free...
freeParameters.ExponentialWrite the Stan code lines related with Density free...
freeParameters.GammaDensityWrite the Stan code lines related with Density free...
freeParameters.GaussianWrite the Stan code lines related with Density free...
freeParameters.InitialFixedWrite the Stan code lines related with Density free...
freeParameters.InitialSoftmaxWrite the Stan code lines related with Density free...
freeParameters.MultinomialWrite the Stan code lines related with Density free...
freeParameters.MVGaussianWrite the Stan code lines related with Density free...
freeParameters.MVGaussianCholeskyCorWrite the Stan code lines related with Density free...
freeParameters.MVStudentWrite the Stan code lines related with Density free...
freeParameters.NegativeBinomialWrite the Stan code lines related with Density free...
freeParameters.NegativeBinomialLocationWrite the Stan code lines related with Density free...
freeParameters.PoissonWrite the Stan code lines related with Density free...
freeParameters.PriorOnlyDensityWrite the Stan code lines related with Density free...
freeParameters.RegBernoulliLogitWrite the Stan code lines related with Density free...
freeParameters.RegBinomialLogitWrite the Stan code lines related with Density free...
freeParameters.RegBinomialProbitWrite the Stan code lines related with Density free...
freeParameters.RegCategoricalSoftmaxWrite the Stan code lines related with Density free...
freeParameters.RegGaussianWrite the Stan code lines related with Density free...
freeParameters.StudentWrite the Stan code lines related with Density free...
freeParameters.TransitionFixedWrite the Stan code lines related with Density free...
freeParameters.TransitionSoftmaxWrite the Stan code lines related with Density free...
GammaDensityGamma density (univariate, continuous, bounded space)
GaussianGaussian density (univariate, continuous, unbounded space)
generatedWrite the Stan code lines related with Density generated...
generated.BernoulliWrite the Stan code lines related with Density generated...
generated.BetaWrite the Stan code lines related with Density generated...
generated.BinomialWrite the Stan code lines related with Density generated...
generated.CategoricalWrite the Stan code lines related with Density generated...
generated.CauchyWrite the Stan code lines related with Density generated...
generated.DirichletWrite the Stan code lines related with Density generated...
generated.ExponentialWrite the Stan code lines related with Density generated...
generated.GammaDensityWrite the Stan code lines related with Density generated...
generated.GaussianWrite the Stan code lines related with Density generated...
generated.MultinomialWrite the Stan code lines related with Density generated...
generated.MVGaussianWrite the Stan code lines related with Density generated...
generated.MVGaussianCholeskyCorWrite the Stan code lines related with Density generated...
generated.MVStudentWrite the Stan code lines related with Density generated...
generated.NegativeBinomialWrite the Stan code lines related with Density generated...
generated.NegativeBinomialLocationWrite the Stan code lines related with Density generated...
generated.PoissonWrite the Stan code lines related with Density generated...
generated.PriorOnlyDensityWrite the Stan code lines related with Density generated...
generated.RegBernoulliLogitWrite the Stan code lines related with Density generated...
generated.RegBinomialLogitWrite the Stan code lines related with Density generated...
generated.RegBinomialProbitWrite the Stan code lines related with Density generated...
generated.RegCategoricalSoftmaxWrite the Stan code lines related with Density generated...
generated.RegGaussianWrite the Stan code lines related with Density generated...
generated.StudentWrite the Stan code lines related with Density generated...
get_current_themeReturn the current theme.
get_default_themeReturn the default theme.
getFixedParametersReturn the names of the fixed parameters in the Density...
getFixedParameters.DensityReturn the names of the fixed parameters in the Density...
getFreeParametersReturn the names of the free parameters in the Density...
getFreeParameters.DensityReturn the names of the free parameters in the Density...
getFreeParameters.PriorOnlyDensityReturn the names of the free parameters in the Density...
getParameterNamesReturn the names of both free and fixed parameters in the...
getParameterNames.BernoulliReturn the names of both free and fixed parameters in the...
getParameterNames.BetaReturn the names of both free and fixed parameters in the...
getParameterNames.BinomialReturn the names of both free and fixed parameters in the...
getParameterNames.CategoricalReturn the names of both free and fixed parameters in the...
getParameterNames.CauchyReturn the names of both free and fixed parameters in the...
getParameterNames.DensityReturn the names of both free and fixed parameters in the...
getParameterNames.DirichletReturn the names of both free and fixed parameters in the...
getParameterNames.ExponentialReturn the names of both free and fixed parameters in the...
getParameterNames.GammaDensityReturn the names of both free and fixed parameters in the...
getParameterNames.GaussianReturn the names of both free and fixed parameters in the...
getParameterNames.InitialFixedReturn the names of both free and fixed parameters in the...
getParameterNames.InitialSoftmaxReturn the names of both free and fixed parameters in the...
getParameterNames.MultinomialReturn the names of both free and fixed parameters in the...
getParameterNames.MVGaussianReturn the names of both free and fixed parameters in the...
getParameterNames.MVGaussianCholeskyCorReturn the names of both free and fixed parameters in the...
getParameterNames.MVStudentReturn the names of both free and fixed parameters in the...
getParameterNames.NegativeBinomialReturn the names of both free and fixed parameters in the...
getParameterNames.NegativeBinomialLocationReturn the names of both free and fixed parameters in the...
getParameterNames.PoissonReturn the names of both free and fixed parameters in the...
getParameterNames.PriorOnlyDensityReturn the names of the free parameters in the Density...
getParameterNames.RegBernoulliLogitReturn the names of both free and fixed parameters in the...
getParameterNames.RegBinomialLogitReturn the names of both free and fixed parameters in the...
getParameterNames.RegBinomialProbitReturn the names of both free and fixed parameters in the...
getParameterNames.RegCategoricalSoftmaxReturn the names of both free and fixed parameters in the...
getParameterNames.RegGaussianReturn the names of both free and fixed parameters in the...
getParameterNames.StudentReturn the names of both free and fixed parameters in the...
getParameterNames.TransitionFixedReturn the names of both free and fixed parameters in the...
getParameterNames.TransitionSoftmaxReturn the names of both free and fixed parameters in the...
get_plot_themeReturn the current theme for visualizations.
get_print_settingsReturn the current theme for text printouts.
hmmSpecify a Hidden Markov Model.
ImproperUniformImproper uniform prior density (prior only)
InitialFixedFixed initial probability vector
InitialSoftmaxSoftmax initial probability density
InverseWishartInverse Wishart density (multivariate, continuous, bounded...
is.DensityCheck if it is a 'Density' object.
is.DensityListCheck if it is a 'DensityList' object.
is.discreteCheck if it is a Density object for discrete random...
is.discrete.DensityCheck if it is a Density object for discrete random...
is.discrete.DensityListCheck if it is a Density object for discrete random...
is.discrete.DiscreteDensityCheck if it is a Density object for discrete random...
is.discrete.SpecificationCheck if it is a Density object for discrete random...
is.equalCheck if it is a Density object for a parameter with equal...
is.equal.DensityCheck if it is a Density object for a parameter with equal...
is.FixedInitialCheck if it is a fixed initial probability object.
is.FixedInitial.DensityCheck if it is a fixed initial probability object.
is.FixedInitial.InitialFixedCheck if it is a fixed initial probability object.
is.FixedInitial.SpecificationCheck if it is a fixed initial probability object.
is.FixedTransitionCheck if it is a fixed transition probability object.
is.FixedTransition.DensityCheck if it is a fixed transition probability object.
is.FixedTransition.SpecificationCheck if it is a fixed transition probability object.
is.FixedTransition.TransitionFixedCheck if it is a fixed transition probability object.
is.linkCheck if it is a Density object for the transition model. if it is a Density object for the transition model. if it is a Density object for the transition model.
is.multivariateCheck if it is a Density object for multivariate random...
is.multivariate.DensityCheck if it is a Density object for multivariate random...
is.multivariate.DensityListCheck if it is a Density object for multivariate random...
is.multivariate.MultivariateDensityCheck if it is a Density object for multivariate random...
is.multivariate.SpecificationCheck if it is a Density object for multivariate random...
is.orderedCheck if it is a Density object for an ordered set of...
is.ordered.DensityCheck if it is a Density object for an ordered set of...
is.SpecificationCheck if it is a 'Specification' object.
is.stanfitCheck if it is an object created by 'draw_samples'.
is.stanoptimVerify that the object was created by 'optimizing'.
is.TVInitialCheck if it is a time-varying initial distribution object.
is.TVInitial.DensityCheck if it is a time-varying initial distribution object.
is.TVInitial.InitialSoftmaxCheck if it is a time-varying initial distribution object.
is.TVInitial.SpecificationCheck if it is a time-varying initial distribution object.
is.TVTransitionCheck if it is a time-varying transition probability object.
is.TVTransition.DensityCheck if it is a time-varying transition probability object.
is.TVTransition.SpecificationCheck if it is a time-varying transition probability object.
is.TVTransition.TransitionSoftmaxCheck if it is a time-varying transition probability object.
linkWrite the Stan code lines related with Density link function.
link.DensityWrite the Stan code lines related with Density link function.
LinkDensityCreate a representation of a link function that may be used...
link.InitialFixedWrite the Stan code lines related with Density link function.
link.InitialSoftmaxWrite the Stan code lines related with Density link function.
link.TransitionFixedWrite the Stan code lines related with Density link function.
link.TransitionSoftmaxWrite the Stan code lines related with Density link function.
load_themeLoads a theme into the R session.
logLikeWrite the Stan code lines related with Density log...
logLike.BernoulliWrite the Stan code lines related with Density log...
logLike.BetaWrite the Stan code lines related with Density log...
logLike.BinomialWrite the Stan code lines related with Density log...
logLike.CategoricalWrite the Stan code lines related with Density log...
logLike.CauchyWrite the Stan code lines related with Density log...
logLike.DirichletWrite the Stan code lines related with Density log...
logLike.ExponentialWrite the Stan code lines related with Density log...
logLike.GammaDensityWrite the Stan code lines related with Density log...
logLike.GaussianWrite the Stan code lines related with Density log...
logLike.MultinomialWrite the Stan code lines related with Density log...
logLike.MVGaussianWrite the Stan code lines related with Density log...
logLike.MVGaussianCholeskyCorWrite the Stan code lines related with Density log...
logLike.MVStudentWrite the Stan code lines related with Density log...
logLike.NegativeBinomialWrite the Stan code lines related with Density log...
logLike.NegativeBinomialLocationWrite the Stan code lines related with Density log...
logLike.PoissonWrite the Stan code lines related with Density log...
logLike.PriorOnlyDensityWrite the Stan code lines related with Density log...
logLike.RegBernoulliLogitWrite the Stan code lines related with Density log...
logLike.RegBinomialLogitWrite the Stan code lines related with Density log...
logLike.RegBinomialProbitWrite the Stan code lines related with Density log...
logLike.RegCategoricalSoftmaxWrite the Stan code lines related with Density log...
logLike.RegGaussianWrite the Stan code lines related with Density log...
logLike.StudentWrite the Stan code lines related with Density log...
make_text_headerMake a character string with a header.
make_text_lineMake a character string with a line (horizontal rule).
make_text_subheaderMake a character string with a subheader.
match_parameter_namesReturn the name of the parameters matching the pattern.
mixtureSpecify a mixture model.
modify_theme_entryModifies an entry in the current theme.
MultinomialMultinomial mass (multivariate, discrete, bounded space)
MultivariateDensityCreate a representation of a probability mass or density...
MultivariateDiscreteDensityCreate a representation of a probability mass or density...
MVGaussianMultivariate Gaussian density (Multivariate, continuous,...
MVGaussianCholeskyCorMultivariate Gaussian density with Cholesky decomposition of...
MVStudentMultivariate Student density (Multivariate, continuous,...
NegativeBinomialNegative Binomial mass (univariate, discrete, bounded space)
NegativeBinomialLocationNegative Binomial mass in the mean value parametrization...
noLogLikeWrite the Stan code lines related with Density no log...
noLogLike.DensityWrite the Stan code lines related with Density no log...
optimizingFit a model by MAP.
optimizing_allRun several instances of the optimization algorithm.
optimizing_bestRun several instances of the optimization algorithm.
optimizing.OptimizationFit a model by MAP.
optimizing_runRun one instance of the
optimizing.SpecificationFit a model by MAP.
optimizing.stanfitFit a model by MAP.
optimizing.stanmodelFit a model by MAP.
parametersWrite the Stan code lines related with Density parameters.
plot_ppredictivePlot samples drawn from the posterior predictive density.
plot_ppredictive.stanfitPlot samples drawn from the posterior predictive density.
plot_seriesPlot the observation series along with many other...
plot_state_probabilityPlot the estimated hidden path along with many other...
plus-.DensityAppend two Density objects.
PoissonPoisson mass (univariate, discrete, bounded space)
posterior_intervalsReturn a function that computes the posterior intervals.
posterior_modeReturn the posterior mode of a vector.
print.DensityPrint a description of a Density object in a human friendly...
print.OptimizationPrints the result of the model in a human friendly format.
print.SpecificationPrint a description of a Specification in a human friendly...
print.stanfitPrint the result of the model in a human friendly format.
priorWrite the Stan code lines related with Density priors.
prior.BernoulliWrite the Stan code lines related with Density priors.
prior.BetaWrite the Stan code lines related with Density priors.
prior.BinomialWrite the Stan code lines related with Density priors.
prior.CategoricalWrite the Stan code lines related with Density priors.
prior.CauchyWrite the Stan code lines related with Density priors.
prior.CholeskyLKJCorWrite the Stan code lines related with Density priors.
prior.DirichletWrite the Stan code lines related with Density priors.
prior.ExponentialWrite the Stan code lines related with Density priors.
prior.GammaDensityWrite the Stan code lines related with Density priors.
prior.GaussianWrite the Stan code lines related with Density priors.
prior.ImproperUniformWrite the Stan code lines related with Density priors.
prior.InitialFixedWrite the Stan code lines related with Density priors.
prior.InitialSoftmaxWrite the Stan code lines related with Density priors.
prior.InverseWishartWrite the Stan code lines related with Density priors.
prior.MultinomialWrite the Stan code lines related with Density priors.
prior.MVGaussianWrite the Stan code lines related with Density priors.
prior.MVGaussianCholeskyCorWrite the Stan code lines related with Density priors.
prior.MVStudentWrite the Stan code lines related with Density priors.
prior.NegativeBinomialWrite the Stan code lines related with Density priors.
prior.NegativeBinomialLocationWrite the Stan code lines related with Density priors.
PriorOnlyDensityCreate a representation of a probability mass or density...
PriorOnlyMultivariateDensityCreate a representation of a probability mass or density...
prior.PoissonWrite the Stan code lines related with Density priors.
prior.RegBernoulliLogitWrite the Stan code lines related with Density priors.
prior.RegBinomialLogitWrite the Stan code lines related with Density priors.
prior.RegBinomialProbitWrite the Stan code lines related with Density priors.
prior.RegCategoricalSoftmaxWrite the Stan code lines related with Density priors.
prior.RegGaussianWrite the Stan code lines related with Density priors.
prior.StudentWrite the Stan code lines related with Density priors.
prior.TransitionFixedWrite the Stan code lines related with Density priors.
prior.TransitionSoftmaxWrite the Stan code lines related with Density priors.
prior.WishartWrite the Stan code lines related with Density priors.
RegBernoulliLogitBernoulli regression with logistic link density (univariate,...
RegBinomialLogitBinomial regression with logistic link density (univariate,...
RegBinomialProbitBinomial regression with probit link density (univariate,...
RegCategoricalSoftmaxCategorical regression with softmax link density (univariate,...
RegGaussianRegression with Gaussian link density (univariate,...
runRun a Markov-chain Monte Carlo algorithm to sample from the...
run.SpecificationRun a Markov-chain Monte Carlo algorithm to sample from the...
select_all_parametersReturn the name of all model parameters.
select_initial_parametersReturn the name of the initial model parameters.
select_obs_parametersReturn the name of the observation model parameters.
select_parametersReturn the name of the model parameters.
select_transition_parametersReturn the name of the transition model parameters.
simSimulate data from the prior predictive density.
sim.OptimizationSimulate data from the prior predictive density.
sim.SpecificationSimulate data from the prior predictive density.
sim.stanfitSimulate data from the prior predictive density.
sim.stanmodelSimulate data from the prior predictive density.
specifySpecify a model.
string_simplifyRemove non-alphabetic characters and modify to lowercase.
StudentStudent density (univariate, continuous, unbounded space)
themeTheme for BayesHMM visualizations and printouts
TransitionFixedFixed transition probability matrix
TransitionSoftmaxSoftmax transition density
validate_calibrationValidate a model via a procedure based on simulated data.
WishartWishart density (multivariate, continuous, bounded space,...
write_chunksWrite Stan code chunks to disk
write_chunks.SpecificationWrite Stan code chunks to disk
write_modelWrite a ready-to-compile Stan file to disk
write_model.SpecificationWrite a ready-to-compile Stan file to disk
luisdamiano/BayesHMM documentation built on May 20, 2019, 2:59 p.m.