Man pages for lujunyan1118/DrugScreenExplorer_dev
A pipeline for processing drug sensitivity screen data

correctEdgeEffectEstimate and correct edge effect for each screen plate
createPlateInputCreate a template for plate annotation file
createWellInputCreate a template for well annotation file
estimateEdgeEffectEstimate edge effect intensity
fitEdgeEffectFit a 2D surface to capture the incubation/edge effect on...
fitIC50Use the dr4pl package to perform IC50 curve fitting. Can be...
makeReportGenerate a quality report of the screen data
makeShinyGenerate a shiny app to explore process data interactively
normalizePlatePer-plate normalization
plotPlatePlot the layout or measurements on each screening plate
plotRawCountPlot the distribution of the raw signal intensity (raw...
plotTypeDistPlotting raw signal distribution for each well type
predict.fitIC50Predict responses based on input dose information and fitted...
readScreenRead and assemble a drug screen dataset
screenDataExample drug screen data on CLL samples
screenData_normalizedExample drug screen data on CLL samples with normalization
sumIC50Summarise drug effect across concentrations using a...
summariseScreenSummarise the drug effect across concentrations
lujunyan1118/DrugScreenExplorer_dev documentation built on Dec. 21, 2021, 12:42 p.m.