
Defines functions set_startup_options

Documented in set_startup_options

#' Set Nice Startup Options
#' Sets nicer options. All arguments are passed to the \code{options} function.
#' This function also sets \code{ipck = TRUE} in \code{rc.settings}.
#' @param digits Default \code{4}
#' @param bitmapType Default "cairo".
#' @param show.signif.stars Default \code{FALSE}
#' @param useFancyQuotes Default \code{FALSE}
#' @param width Default \code{100}
#' @param Ncpus Default number of CPUs - 1. Used for parallel pkg installs.
#' @param max.print Default 100 to avoid blow up
#' @param servr.daemon Default \code{TRUE}. For xaringan presentations
#' @param max Default \code{10}. For List printing
#' @param mc.cores Default number of CPUs - 1. Used for parallel computing
#' @param error Default \code{rlang}. If \code{rlang} is installed, then error = rlang::entrace.
#' @param menu.graphics Default \code{FALSE}. Logical: should graphical menus be used if available?
#' @param continue Default \code{... }. Set the prompt used for lines which continue over one line.
#' @param warnPartialMatchArgs Default \code{TRUE}. Warn if using partial arguments.
#' @param warnPartialMatchDollar = Default \code{TRUE}. Warns if partial matching is used for extraction by $.
#' @param warnPartialMatchAttr = Default \code{TRUE}. Warns if partial matching is used to extract attributes via attr.
#' @param nwarnings = 1e6,
#' @param scipen Default \code{999}. Always print out full numbers, i.e. not 1e2
#' @param datatable.print.class Default \code{TRUE}. Always print data.table column class.
#' @param browser Default \code{xdg-open}. Browser to open http help documents.
#' @param HTTPUserAgent Used by RStudio Package Manager (RSPM).
#' @param download.file.extra Used by RSPM for curl/wget installs, e.g. Rscript.
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to \code{options}.
#' @export
set_startup_options = function(digits = 4L,
                               bitmapType = "cairo",
                               show.signif.stars = FALSE, # nolint
                               useFancyQuotes = FALSE, # nolint
                               width = 88L,
                               Ncpus = max(1L, parallel::detectCores() - 1L),
                               max.print = 100L, # Avoid blow up
                               servr.daemon = TRUE, # For xaringan presentations,
                               max = 10L, # List printing
                               mc.cores = max(1L, parallel::detectCores() - 1L),
                               error = "rlang",
                               menu.graphics = FALSE,
                               continue = "... ",
                               warnPartialMatchArgs = TRUE, # nolint
                               warnPartialMatchDollar = TRUE, # nolint
                               warnPartialMatchAttr = TRUE, # nolint
                               nwarnings = 1e6,
                               scipen = 999L, # nolint
                               datatable.print.class = TRUE,
                               browser = "xdg-open",
                               HTTPUserAgent = sprintf(
                                 "R/%s R (%s)", getRversion(),
                               download.file.extra = sprintf(
                                 "--header \"User-Agent: R (%s)\"",
                               ...) {
  if (error == "rlang") if (requireNamespace("rlang", quietly = TRUE)) options(error = rlang::entrace)

  if (requireNamespace("languageserver", quietly = TRUE)) {
      languageserver.formatting_style = function(options) {
        style = styler::tidyverse_style(indent_by = options$tabSize)
        style$token$force_assignment_op = NULL

  # enable autocompletions for package names in
  # `require()`, `library()`
  utils::rc.settings(ipck = TRUE)

    digits = digits,
    show.signif.stars = show.signif.stars, # nolint
    useFancyQuotes = useFancyQuotes, # nolint
    width = width,
    Ncpus = Ncpus,
    continue = continue,
    max.print = max.print, # Avoid blow up
    servr.daemon = servr.daemon, # For xaringan presentations,
    max = max, # List printing
    mc.cores = mc.cores,
    menu.graphics = menu.graphics,
    continue = continue,
    warnPartialMatchArgs = warnPartialMatchArgs,
    warnPartialMatchDollar = warnPartialMatchDollar, # nolint
    warnPartialMatchAttr = warnPartialMatchAttr, # nolint
    scipen = scipen,
    nwarnings = nwarnings,
    browser = browser,
    HTTPUserAgent = HTTPUserAgent,
    download.file.extra = download.file.extra,
    datatable.print.class = datatable.print.class, # For printing data.table class
lukehannan/lumisc documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 7:50 p.m.