#' Make predictions with or without random effects
#' @description Use predict in an `lme4` style on gam/bam objects from \code{\link{mgcv}}.
#' @param model A gam class model from the \code{\link{mgcv}} package.
#' @param newdata Data on which to predict on. Empty by default.
#' @param re_form `NULL`, `NA`, or character string. If `NULL` (default), all
#' random effects will be used. If NA, no random effects will be used. If
#' character, must be of the form `"s(varname)"`, where `varname` would be the
#' name of the grouping variable pertaining to the random effect. Appended to
#' `include`.
#' @param se Logical. Include standard errors or not. Default is FALSE.
#' @param include Which random effects to include in prediction. See
#' \code{\link{predict.gam}} for details.
#' @param exclude Which random effects to exclude in prediction. See
#' \code{\link{predict.gam}} for details.
#' @param keep_prediction_data Keep the model frame or newdata that was used in
#' the prediction in final output? Default is FALSE.
#' @param ... Other arguments for \code{\link{predict.gam}}.
#' @details This is a wrapper for \code{\link{predict.gam}}. The goal is to
#' have similar functionality with predict function in `lme4`, which makes it
#' easy to drop all random effects or include specific ones. Some of this
#' functionality is not yet available for class `bam`.
#' @return A data frame of predictions and possibly standard errors.
#' @seealso \code{\link{predict.gam}}
#' @importFrom stats predict
#' @examples
#' library(lme4)
#' library(mgcv)
#' lmer_model <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days || Subject), data = sleepstudy)
#' ga_model <- gam(Reaction ~ Days + s(Subject, bs = "re") + s(Days, Subject, bs = "re"),
#' data = sleepstudy,
#' method = "REML"
#' )
#' head(
#' data.frame(
#' lmer = predict(lmer_model),
#' gam = predict_gamm(ga_model)
#' )
#' )
#' head(
#' cbind(
#' lmer = predict(lmer_model, re.form = NA),
#' gam1 = predict_gamm(ga_model, re_form = NA),
#' gam2 = predict_gamm(ga_model,
#' exclude = c("s(Subject)", "s(Days,Subject)")
#' )
#' )
#' )
#' head(predict_gamm(ga_model, se = TRUE))
#' @export
predict_gamm <- function(
re_form = NULL,
se = FALSE,
include = NULL,
exclude = NULL,
keep_prediction_data = FALSE,
...) {
# Note because predict doesn't use NULL, can't use NULL for new_data arg or
# even a differently named arg, and I'm not going into the weeds of rlang to
# find a hack.
# basic checks
if (!inherits(model, "gam")) stop("Need a gam object.")
if (!rlang::is_null(include) && !rlang::is_character(include)) {
stop("include must be NULL or character.")
if (!rlang::is_null(exclude) && !rlang::is_character(exclude)) {
stop("exclude must be NULL or character.")
if (!rlang::is_null(re_form) &&
!rlang::is_na(re_form) &
!rlang::is_character(re_form)) {
stop("re_form must be NULL, NA, or character.")
if (any(include %in% exclude)) {
stop("You can't include and exclude the same thing.")
if (!rlang::is_logical(se)) {
stop("se must be TRUE or FALSE")
if (!rlang::is_logical(keep_prediction_data)) {
stop("keep_prediction_data must be TRUE or FALSE")
# standard prediction would simply call predict.gam
if (rlang::is_null(re_form) | rlang::is_character(re_form)) {
if (rlang::is_null(re_form)) {
preds <- predict(model,
se = se,
terms = include,
exclude = exclude,
} else {
preds <- predict(model,
se = se,
terms = c(include, re_form),
exclude = exclude,
} else if (rlang::is_na(re_form)) {
# FE only
re_terms <- sapply(model$smooth, function(x) inherits(x, "random.effect"))
re_terms <- sapply(model$smooth[re_terms], function(x) x$label)
preds <- predict(model,
se = se,
terms = include,
exclude = c(re_terms, exclude),
if (se) {
preds <- data.frame(prediction = preds$fit, se = preds$se)
} else {
preds <- data.frame(prediction = preds)
if (keep_prediction_data) {
if (missing(newdata)) {
base <- model$model
} else {
base <- newdata
preds <- data.frame(base, preds)
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