
#' #' Complete  analysis for one hypothesis
#' #'
#' #' Produce summary statistics, hypothesis tests and plot objects for a hypothesis
#' #'
#' #' @param data
#' #' @param dependent.var string with the column name in `data` of the dependent variable
#' #' @param independen.var string with the column name in `data` of the independent variable
#' #' @param hypothesis.type the type of hypothesis as a string. Allowed values are "direct_reporting", "group_difference", "limit", "correlation" or "change"
#' #' @param cluster.variable.name if cluster sampling, provide the name of the variable in the dataset that denotes the cluster
#' #' @param weighting A function that generates weights from a dataframe. You can create it with surveyweights::weighting_fun_from_samplingframe()
#' #' @param do.for.each.unique.value.in.var if you want to repeat the analysis for multiple subsets of the data, specify the column name in `data` by which to split the dataset
#' #' @details this function takes the data, information about your variables of interest, hypothesis type and sampling strategy. It selects the appropriate summary statistics, hypothesis test and visualisation and applies them.
#' #' it usesmap_to_case(),map_to_indicator(),map_to_hypothesis(),map_to_visualisation()
#' #' @return A list with 1. the summary.statistic, 2. the hypothesis.test.result, and 3. the visualisation as a ggplot object
#' #' @examples
#' #' plot_crayons()
#' #' @export
#' analyse_indicator<-function(data,
#'                             dependent.var,
#'                             independent.var = NULL,
#'                             dependent.var.type,
#'                             independent.var.type,
#'                             hypothesis.type,
#'                             cluster.variable.name=NULL,
#'                             weighting=function(df){rep(1,nrow(df))},
#'                             case=NULL){
#'   options(survey.lonely.psu = "average")
#'         # sanitise input
#'             # data <- data[!is.na(data[,dependent.var]),]
#'             # if(nrow(data)==0){stop('provided data has no rows where dependent.var is not NA')}
#'             # if(all(is.na(data[,dependent.var]))){stop(paste('variable', dependent.var, 'can\'t be all NA'))}
#'             if(!is.function(weighting)){
#'               stop("'weighting' must be a function. You can create one with weighting_fun_from_samplingframe(). You can also write your own function (must take a dataframe as input and return a scalar)")
#'             }
#'         # if(is.null(dependent.var.type)){
#'         #     dependent.var.type<-ifelse(koboquest::question_is_categorical())
#'         #     }
#'         #       (dependent.var,data)
#'         #
#'         # }
#'         # if(is.null(independent.var.type)){
#'         #     independent.var.question.type<-question_type(independent.var,data)
#'         # }
#'         # map from input to analysis case:
#'         if(is.null(case)){
#'         case <- map_to_case(hypothesis.type = hypothesis.type,
#'                                    data = data,
#'                                    dependent.var = dependent.var,
#'                                    independent.var = independent.var,
#'                                    dependent.var.type = dependent.var.type,
#'                                    independent.var.type = independent.var.type,
#'                                    paired = NULL)
#'         }else{
#'           if(!is_valid_case_string(case)){
#'             stop("value for argument 'case' is not a valid case string. It must be of the form CASE_[hypothesis_type]_[dependent.variable.type]_[independent.variable.type]\nfor example 'CASE_group_difference_categorical_categorical'\nAlternatively, you can leave out that parameter, and we will try to identify the case automagically from the questionnaire")
#'             }
#'         }
#'   data_sanitised<-sanitise_data(data,
#'                 dependent.var,
#'                 independent.var,
#'                 case)
#'   if(data_sanitised$success){
#'     data<-data_sanitised$data
#'   }else{
#'     return(
#'       list(
#'         summary.statistic=NULL,
#'         hypothesis.test.result=NULL,
#'         message=data_sanitised$message
#'       )
#'     )
#'   }
#'     # map from case to appropriate summary statistic, hypothesis test and visualisation:
#'             design <- map_to_design(data = data,
#'                                     weighting_function = weighting,
#'                                     cluster_variable_name = cluster.variable.name
#'                                     )
#'             summarise.result<- map_to_summary_statistic(case)
#'             test.hypothesis <- map_to_hypothesis_test(case)
#'         # apply the summary statistic, hypothesis test to the given data and survey design:
#'             summary.result  <- summarise.result(dependent.var,independent.var, design)
#'         # do hypothesis test:
#'             hypothesis.test.result<- test.hypothesis(dependent.var,independent.var, design)
#'         # add results to the visualisation:
#'             # visualisation<-visualisation+ggplot()...
#'             parameters<-list(
#'               dependent.var = dependent.var,
#'               independent.var = independent.var,
#'               dependent.var.type = dependent.var.type,
#'               independent.var.type = independent.var.type,
#'               hypothesis.type = hypothesis.type,
#'               cluster.variable.name=cluster.variable.name,
#'               weighted=is.function(weighting),
#'               case=case
#'             )
#'         return(list(parameters=parameters,
#'                     summary.statistic=summary.result,
#'                     hypothesis.test=hypothesis.test.result,
#'                     message="success (or unidentified issue)"
#'               ))
#'     }
mabafaba/hypegrammaR documentation built on Oct. 2, 2019, 11:33 a.m.