
Defines functions choices_for_select_multiple

# ### function that returns the names of select multiple questions and their indices in the data
# ### needs the questionnaire to be loaded
# multiples_in_questionnaire <- function(data){
#   select_mul <- lapply(questionnaire$questions$name, question_is_select_multiple) %>% unlist %>% which
#   select_mul_names <- questionnaire$questions$name[select_mul]
#   return(list(select_mul, select_mul_names))
# }

###function that returns the indices in the data of the choices for each select multiple question
### needs the questionnaire to be loaded
choices_for_select_multiple <- function(question_name, data){
  select_mult_colnames<-paste(question_name,choices$name,sep=".") %>% to_alphanumeric_lowercase
  if(any(is.na(indices))){stop(paste("can not find TRUE/FALSE columns for variable",question_name,". Please double check that they exist in the data and that their names are in the standard kobo format of \"[question name].[choice name]\""))}
mabafaba/koboquest documentation built on Aug. 15, 2019, 6:12 p.m.