Salmonid COmposition Bootstrap Intervals

SCOBI is an R package for performing compositional analyses of adults and smolts at Lower Granite Dam. Adults are analyzed using the function SCOBI(). Juveniles are analyzed using the function SCRAPI(). It also contains the useful functions lgr2SCOBI() and lgr2SCRAPI() for formatting raw data from the Lower Granite Dam trapping database (LGTrappingDB) for input into the SCOBI() and SCRAPI() functions.

Getting Started

To install SCOBI you can use Hadley Wickham's devtools package. To install and load the devtools package use:


NOTE: To use devtools, you may also have to download and install Rtools (although you shouldn't). The latest version on Rtools can be found at

Once devtools is successfully installed, use the following to install SCOBI:


Alternatively, Bryce Oldemeyer has a GitHub account and maintains an up-to-date fork of the SCOBI repository. Therefore, SCOBI can also be downloaded using:


If you are interested in making contributions to SCOBI, consider getting a GitHub account, fork this repository, clone to a local directory, modify, and send me a pull request. I can then review any changes and merge.

For further information, see:

Steinhorst, K. T. Copeland, M. W. Ackerman, W. C. Schrader, and E. C. Anderson. (In review) Estimates and Confidence Intervals for Run Composition of Returning Salmonids. Fishery Bulletin.


mackerman44/SCOBI documentation built on July 20, 2019, 2:48 p.m.