
Defines functions lets.iucn.ha

Documented in lets.iucn.ha

#' Download species' habitat information from the IUCN RedList online database
#' (No longer supported)
#' @author Bruno Vilela
#' @description Get species' habitat information from the IUCN RedList 
#' website(\url{https://www.iucnredlist.org/}) for one or more species.
#' @param input Character vector with one or more species names,
#' or an object of the \code{\link{PresenceAbsence}} class.
#' @param count Logical, if \code{TRUE} a counting window will open.
#' @return A data frame with species names in the first column and the 
#' habitats where it occurs in the remaining columns,
#' '1' if species is present in that habitat and '0' otherwise.
#' @details Note that you must be connected to the internet to use this function. 
#' @seealso \code{\link{lets.iucn}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{lets.iucn.his}} 
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' # Single species
#' lets.iucn.ha("Pongo pygmaeus")
#' # Multiple species
#' sp <- c("Musonycteris harrisoni", "Ailuropoda melanoleuca",
#'         "Cebus flavius")
#' lets.iucn.ha(sp)
#' }
#' @export

lets.iucn.ha <- function(input, count = FALSE) {
  #keep species name(s)
  stop(paste("This function is no longer supported by the letsR package.",
             "Users can look for the package rredlist for similar functions.",
             "See the note on our github page for more details."))
#   input <- .getnames(input) 
#   #Habitat names (and the name "Species" that will be used in the matrix columns names)
#   names <- c("Species", "Forest", "Savanna", "Shrubland", "Grassland", 
#              "Wetlands", "Rocky areas", "Caves and Subterranean Habitats", 
#              "Desert", "Marine Neritic", "Marine Oceanic", "Marine Deep Ocean Floor", 
#              "Marine Intertidal", "Marine Coastal/Supratidal", "Artificial/Terrestrial", 
#              "Artificial/Aquatic", "Introduced Vegetation", "Other", "Unknown")
#   #create an empty matrix
#   habitat <- matrix(0, nrow = length(input), ncol = length(names)) 
#   #Adding the column names
#   colnames(habitat) <- names
#   n <- length(input)
#   # With count window
#   if (count) {
#     # Do not set a new device in rstudio to avoid warnings()
#     if (!"tools:rstudio" %in% search()) {
#       dev.new(width = 2, height = 2, pointsize = 12)
#       par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
#     }
#     for(i in 1:n){
#       plot.new()
#       text(0.5, 0.5, paste(paste("Total:", n, "\n",
#                                  "Species to go: ",
#                                  (n - i))))
#       ncolumns <- ncol(habitat)
#       habitat[i, 2:(ncolumns - 1)] <- .Habitat(input, i, 
#                                                habitat,
#                                                names)
#       # If none of the habitat names has been found or if 
#       # the species has not been found in IUCN archives, 
#       # it will have 1 in the column Unknwon
#       if (sum(habitat[i, ]) == 0) {
#         habitat[i, ncolumns] <- 1
#       }
#     }
#     dev.off()
#   }
#   if (!count) {
#     for(i in 1:n){
#       ncolumns <- ncol(habitat)
#       habitat[i, 2:(ncolumns - 1)] <- .Habitat(input, i, 
#                                                habitat,
#                                                names)
#       # If none of the habitat names has been found or if 
#       # the species has not been found in IUCN archives, 
#       # it will have 1 in the column Unknwon
#       if (sum(habitat[i, ]) == 0) {
#         habitat[i, ncolumns] <- 1
#       }
#     }
#   }
#   #Putting species' names in the first column
#   habitat[, 1] <- input
#   #Return the resulting matrix
#   return(as.data.frame(habitat))
# }
# # Auxiliar funciton inside the loop
# .Habitat <- function(input, i, habitat, names) {
#   # Taking the Website code from the internet
#   c <- .getcode(input[i])
#   httpclas <- "https://www.iucnredlist.org/details/classify/"
#   h2 <- try(htmlParse(paste(httpclas, c, "/0", sep = "")),
#             silent = TRUE)
#   # Taking the specific parts that contain the habitat names
#   b2 <- try(xpathSApply(h2, '//html', xmlValue), silent = TRUE)
#   # Look for the habitat names inside the string 
#   # (if the sting contains the name, it will be marked 1)
#   Nnames <- length(names)
#   habitatParcial <- numeric(Nnames - 2)
#   for(t in 2:(Nnames - 1)) {
#     if (sum(grep(names[t], b2)) > 0) {
#       habitatParcial[(t - 1)] <- 1
#     }
#   }
#   return(habitatParcial)
# }
macroecology/letsR documentation built on Oct. 11, 2024, 9:25 p.m.