Man pages for madlogos/aseskit
ASES Generic Toolkit

addRtoolsPathAdd Rtools to System PATH
alineAlign a vector to match the certain length
aseskitaseskit: An R General Analytics Toolkit for ASES
check_curlCheck if curl is avaiable for given API URL(s)
convChar2NumConvert numeric-like characters back to numbers
convClock2PosClock digits to text position and direction
convNum2PctConvert numbers to percents
countCharGet Number of Characters
data-colon-CLOCKPOSDataset: CLOCK POS
dep_pkgsGet dependent packages for the given packages
describe_dfDescribe and visulaize the statistic distribution of a...
encryptItEncrypt a character and decrypt a raw vector
enquo_argEnquo function argument(s) to quosure
get_api_dataGet data from given API URL(s)
getApiKeyGet the API key
getRawPwdGet ACC password (in raw) from the acckey.pem file
getVarsFromFormulaParse a formula to get the variable list
iifQuick vectorized call of 'ifelse'
inputCharInput a character
inputPwdInput password key
JS.Operator.Assignment'Javascript'-style Binary Operator Assignment
loadPkgsLoad/install or unload packages from various sources
parse_api_dataGeneral function to parse 'api_data' objects
parse_clipbParse the contents in clipboard to form a tibble
renameRangeRename data range labels
synthesize_apisSynthesize API URLs
madlogos/aseskit documentation built on June 26, 2019, 12:17 a.m.