Man pages for magrichard/facsticor
Treatment and analysis of FACS data during time course experiments

add_on_fractionPerfom annova on the data
adjust_effectNormalize the data according to the annova model
compute_model_valuesCompute BIC and loglike value of gaussian models
density_valueEstimates ordinate value of the density at position x. density into colour, for graphix representation.
dyn.profileDraws a list of densities according to an index of color.
export_dataExport final data
facsticorfacsticor: A package to analyse time course FACS data.
filter_dataFilters the data according to gating informations
fit_ON_gaussianFit ON gaussian on the data
gate_facs_yeast_HTS_dataInterrogates the FSC/SSC density plot and extract ncell from...
gate_itGenerates the kerneld to gate the data
get_probasPerfom annova on the data
get_thresholdPerfom annova on the data
perform_anovaPerfom annova on the data
plot_correlPlot the correlation between FL1H, FSC and SSC
plot_ctrl_normPlot the time course distributions accoording to mean FL1...
plot_gatesPlot the gates
plot_gatingPlots Gating
plot_mean_fl1Plot the time course distributions accoording to mean FL1.
plot_on_fractionPlot the time course distributions accoording to the fraction...
plot_qcPlot FL1H, FSC and SSC for each well
plot_tcPlot the time course distributions accoording to color codes.
plot_tc_meanPlot the time course distributions accoording to color codes.
read_facs_dataReads the facs data get the summary informations on data...
x2iIndexes bins.
magrichard/facsticor documentation built on May 17, 2019, 8:16 a.m.