Man pages for maialab/daeqtlr
DAEQTL Mapping

aeExtract a vector of allelic expression ratios
as_zygousConvert genotypes to zygosity
create_snp_pairsCreate a table of SNP pairs
create_snp_tableCreate a SNP table
daeqtl_mappingDAEQTL mapping
daeqtl_plotDAEQTL plot
daeqtlr_exampleGet path to daeqtlr example
daeqtlr-packagedaeqtlr: DAEQTL Mapping
daeqtl_testDAEQTL test
is_homWho are the homozygous/heterozygous samples?
m2bConvert M-values to Beta-values and back again
pipePipe operator
read_ae_ratiosImport expression ratios
read_candidate_snpsImport DAEQTL candidates
read_dae_snpsImport DAE SNPs
read_snp_genotypesImport SNP genotypes
read_snp_gen_positionsImport SNP genomic positions
read_snp_pairsImport pairs of DAE and DAEQTL candidate SNPs
read_snp_zygosityImport SNP zygosity
split_indexCreate a split index
maialab/daeqtlr documentation built on May 18, 2022, 6:53 a.m.