read_snp_zygosity: Import SNP zygosity

View source: R/read_snp_zygosity.R

read_snp_zygosityR Documentation

Import SNP zygosity


This function reads in SNP zygosity levels from a text file. The data is expected to be in tabular format. First column is expected to be the locus identity (e.g. SNP identifier), and remaining columns are the samples. The genotypes are expected to be encoded as "hom" or "het", for homozygous and heterozygous, respectively.


read_snp_zygosity(file, sep = ",", header = TRUE, ...)



A path to file.


The separator between columns.


Does the first data line contain column names?


Extra arguments to be passed on to data.table::fread().


A data frame of zygosity levels: "hom" for homozygous or "het" for heterozygous. Each row is for a locus. The locus identity is indicated in the first column and named snp. Remaining columns are samples.

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