
#' @title Create a preprocessing pipeline function
#' @description Internal function, documented due to the importance of its
#' concept. Creates a pipeline function to do all the
#' preprocessing needed in \code{\link{classiKnn}} and \code{\link{classiKernel}}.
#' This is helpful to ensure that the data preprocessing (imputation of missing
#' values, derivation) is carried out in exactly the same way for the
#' training and the test set in \code{predict.classiKnn} and
#' \code{predict.classiKernel}.
#' @param grid,nderiv,derived,evenly.spaced,no.missing,deriv.method see
#' \code{\link{classiKnn}}
#' @param ... additional arguments to fda::smooth.basis
#' @return Pipeline function taking one argument \code{fdata}. The returned
#' function carries out all the preprocessing needed for the calling model
#' of class \code{\link{classiKnn}}.
#' @importFrom fda create.bspline.basis smooth.basis deriv.fd eval.fd
#' @export
fdataTransform = function(grid, nderiv, derived, evenly.spaced,
                          no.missing, deriv.method, ...) {
  if ((derived | nderiv == 0L) & evenly.spaced & no.missing) {
    # original data can be used if no derivation or filling of missing values
    # or respacing is necessary
    return(function(fdata) fdata)
  } else if (evenly.spaced & deriv.method == "base.diff") {
    # fast derivation using base::diff
    return(function(fdata) {
      if (!no.missing) {
        fdata = t(apply(fdata, 1, zoo::na.spline))
      for (i in 1:nderiv) {
        fdata = t(apply(fdata, 1, diff))
  } else {
    # create a preprocessing function
      # get basis representation,
      # fill NAs (FIXME, this does not work, used else if instead)
      # and derive the data
      if (!no.missing) {
        fdata = t(apply(fdata, 1, zoo::na.spline))
      basis = fda::create.bspline.basis(rangeval = range(grid))
      fda.fdata = fda::smooth.basis(argvals = grid, y = t(fdata),
                                    fdParobj = basis, ...)$fd
      if (!(derived | nderiv == 0L)) {
        fda.fdata = fda::deriv.fd(fda.fdata, nderiv = nderiv)
      fda.fdata = fda::eval.fd(evalarg = seq(grid[1], grid[length(grid)],
                                             length.out = length(grid)),
                               fdobj = fda.fdata)
maierhofert/classiFunc documentation built on May 21, 2019, 11:06 a.m.