
# Function gridp                                                                           #
# Developed by Marcos Longo - EPS/Harvard University                                       #
# March 28, 2007
#                                                                                          #
#   This function determine the grid levels of each coordinate.                            #
gridp <<- function(ctla,ctlb){
  ngrid = as.numeric(ctla[2])
  how   = tolower(ctla[3])
  nstr  = length(ctla)

  if (how %in% c("linear")){
     grid0 = as.numeric(ctla[4])
     dgrid = as.numeric(ctla[5])
     gridp = grid0+sequence(ngrid-1)*dgrid
  }else if(nstr == ngrid+3){
     gridp = as.numeric(ctla[1:ngrid+3])
     gridp = as.numeric(c(ctla[4:nstr],ctlb[1:(ngrid-nstr+3)]))
  } #end if(how == "linear")
} #end function gridp
manfredo89/ED2io documentation built on May 21, 2019, 11:24 a.m.