if (file.exists("test.h5")) file.remove("test.h5")


The Hierarchical Data Format 5 (HDF5) is a binary data format and API created by the [@hdf5] to better meet ever--increasing data storage demands of the scientific computing community. HDF5 files store homogeneous, multidimensional data sets organized in groups similar to the folder structure of a file system. As a self--describing file format HDF5 objects can be annotated with meta data using attributes. Compared to R's integrated binary format HDF5 has various advantages.

Package Repository First Release Status ------- ---------- ------------- ------ h5r CRAN 2011-10-23 Archived ncdf4 CRAN 2010-02-24 Active rgdal CRAN 2003-11-24 Active hdf5 CRAN 2000-02-02 Archived rhdf5 BioC >10.5 Years Active

Table: Packages on CRAN and Bioconductor supporting the HDF5 fileformat.

Related Work

The CRAN and Bioconductor repositories host three actively maintained packages supporting HDF5 files as shown in the Table above. However, only the rhdf5 directly supports HDF5 files\footnote{\pkg{ncdf4} supports the NetCDF 4 format which specifies a layer on top of HDF5; rgdal needs to be compiled accordingly and is optimized for geospacial data.}. Although rhdf5 supports reading/writing of datasets it is lacking various features like direct exposure of HDF5 objects, subsetting data sets using operators or CRAN availability. h5 fills that gap and provides an easy--to--use object oriented interface to HDF5. It uses the HDF5 C++ API through **Rcpp} [see @CRAN:Rcpp] and represents objects like Files, Groups, Datasets and Attributes as S4-classes.

The h5 Package


All relevant objects exposed by the HDF5 C++ API are direcly represented in h5 through S4 classes. The most important ones are H5File, H5Group, DataSet and Attribute.

H5Files and H5Groups can be accessed using the subset operator and a path in a POSIX--like syntax. Applying the subset operator with integer indices on a DataSet returns/sets specified parts. Attributes are accessed using h5attr(). The following example shows how all these objects are created using h5. It creates a file in append mode, creates a Group and Dataset holding a numeric vector and closes the file.

f <- h5file("test.h5")
f["testgroup/testset"] <- rnorm(100)
testattr <- LETTERS[round(runif(100, max=26))]
h5attr(f["testgroup/testset"], "testattr") <- testattr

Data Types

Storing and retrieving data using h5 requires a mapping of available data types from R to HDF5. Except for the complex and raw type all basic data types are mapped to HDF5.

Although most mappings should be intuitive, the following decisions have been made: 1. 64Bit Integers are converted to double (numeric). 2. Logical values are mapped to an Enumeration Type to save space and support NA values 3. Variable Length (VLen) data types are stored and retrieved as lists of lists.

In addition to data type mappings the representation of NA values has been considered. In the case numeric types the ANSI/IEEE 754 Floating-Point Standard is applied which is used by R and HDF5. For integer the default minimum integer value is used[^1]. Since logical values are stored as an Enumeration Type NA values are directly represented and retrieved through the type. For character we simply use the string "NA".

[^1]: The minimum value equals to -.Machine\$integer.max-1 or -2147483648 for 32Bit integers.

Supported R Objects

h5 currently supports storage and retrieval of homogeneous Datasets consisting of only one data type like vectors, matrices and arrays. HDF5 also supports compound data types which could be used for data.frame objects. Support for compound types is planned in the near future.


This Section shows the functionality of h5 with a focus on time series. It covers basic HDF5 dataset manipulations of a datasets and the serialization of zoo objects. Finally, we describe how to read time series created from Matlab and Python.

Manipulate Matrix

This example shows how HDF5 data sets can be created, altered, extended and removed[^2]. The resulting matrix contains the replaced values in the second column and a third column as a result of cbind().

[^2]: Note, that \fkt{h5unlink} does not remove the actual data from the file. To reduce file size the command line tool h5repack is required.

f <- h5file("test.h5")
f["testmat"] <- matrix(rep(1L, 6), nrow=3)
f["testmat"][c(1, 3), 2] <- rep(2L, 2)
#cbind(f["testmat"], matrix(7:9)) # TODO: fix
h5unlink(f, "testmat")

Time Series and Chunking

This example shows how to store and retrieve zoo time series with h5 and the speedup achieved through partial I/O and chunking. For an introduction to chunking see also [@hdf5chunk].

We generate a zoo object with three series covering one year and a constant interval of one second. The resulting object has 31.5M rows and 4 columns (including the datetime index). The chunk size is chosen so that each chunk covers one day for each series. Only the first day for one instrument (including the datetime index) is retrieved, thus there is no overhead through chunking. Compared to an approach using serialized R objects which needs to read all data elements into memory a speedup of 30 is achieved. Note, that the chunksize has been finely tuned to match the access pattern and speedups are probably lower in real--world examples.

datevec <- seq(as.POSIXct("2015-12-01"), as.POSIXct("2016-01-01"), by = "secs")
tsdat <- zoo(matrix(rnorm(length(datevec) * 3), ncol=3), order.by=datevec)
f <- h5file("test.h5", "a")
f["testseries", chunksize=c(86400, 1)] <- cbind(index(tsdat), coredata(tsdat))
tssub <- zoo(f["testseries"][1:86400, 2], order.by=as.POSIXct(f["testseries"][1:86400, 1], origin="1970-01-01"))
identical(tssub, tsdat[1:86400, 1, drop=FALSE])

Read Times Series from Matlab

As of version 7.3 Matlab uses an HDF5 based format per default to store data to .mat files. Using h5 we can therefore read any new mat--file. However, we need to transpose any multidimensional data since Matlab reads and writes data directly in column--major order (HDF5 is row--major)[^3].

[^3]: Since R also stores data in column--major--order h5 transposes higher dimensional data (matrices, arrays) per default.

This small example shows how to read a time series data matrix created in Matlab using h5. First we need to create and save the matrix in \proglang{Matlab}. Finally, the data set is read and required conversions for the data matrix (transpose) and the time vector (subtraction) is applied.

tstart = datenum(2010, 1, 1);
tend = datenum(2016, 1, 1);
td = (tstart:tend)';
tseries = [td, randn(length(td), 3)];
save('ex-matlab.mat', 'tseries', '-v7.3');
f <- h5file("ex-matlab.mat", "r")
dates <- as.Date(f["tseries"][1, 1:3] - 719529)
zoo(t(f["tseries"][2:4, 1:3]), order.by=dates)

Read Times Series from Python

This example shows how to read time series created from PyTables using pandas. The Python code below generates the dataset of interest.

from pandas import date_range, DataFrame
from numpy import random
t = date_range('2010-01-01', '2016-01-01', freq='D').date
df = DataFrame(random.standard_normal((len(t), 3)), index=t)
df.to_hdf("ex-pandas.h5", "testset")

Objects serialized using pandas and Pytables have a more complicated structure and dataset names can vary for different DataFrames. In this example we read the first three rows including the time index from axis1 and actual data from block0_values.

f <- h5file("ex-pandas.h5", "r")
dates <- as.Date(f["testset/axis1"][1:3] - 719163, origin="1970-01-01")
zoo(f["testset/block0_values"][1:3, ], order.by=dates)
if (file.exists("test.h5")) file.remove("test.h5")


h5 provides a flexible interface to handle HDF5 files. It directly exposes HDF5 objects and implements subset operators for easy data handling. In addition to R objects like vectors, matrices and arrays we also showed examples to store and retrieve time series objects. Depending on the use case and chunk size significant speedups can be achieved through partial I/O. Examples showed that h5 can also be used to exchange data with other programming languages like Matlab and Python.


mannau/h5 documentation built on May 21, 2019, 11:24 a.m.