warp_lda_vary_n_parallel: Fit Warp LDA models for varying n in parallel

View source: R/warp_lda_vary_n_parallel.R

warp_lda_vary_n_parallelR Documentation

Fit Warp LDA models for varying n in parallel


LDA models with text2vec are fitted in parallel via foreach package for a set of candidate number of topics. Function is not made failsafe, yet, it is just straightforward parallel fitting without safety nets, e.g., regarding overwriting of files.


warp_lda_vary_n_parallel(dtm, n_topics, n_cores, model_dir,
  doc_topic_prior = sapply(as.character(n_topics), function(x) NA_real_,
  USE.NAMES = T), topic_word_prior = sapply(as.character(n_topics),
  function(x) NA_real_, USE.NAMES = T), convtol = 0.001, n_iter = 2000,
  seed = 42)



The document term matrix to be used in LDA.


Integer vector containing the candidate number of topics, e.g., seq(5, 500, 5).


Number of cores to be used. If computer should be usable during model fitting leave on processor spare via parallel::detectCores()-1.


The directory to save the fitted models. The directory needs to end with "/", e.g., "~/mydir/" (currently no check is implemented).


To be passed as a named vector. The prior parameters passed to doc_topic_prior in text2vec::LDA. By default the vector sapply(as.character(n_topics), function(x) NA_real_, USE.NAMES = T) is used and filled with the values 50/n if the entry in the respective parallel run is NA_real_. n is taken from n_topics of the respective parallel run.


To be passed as a named vector. The prior parameter passed to topic_word_prior in text2vec::LDA. By default the vector sapply(as.character(n_topics), function(x) NA_real_, USE.NAMES = T) is used and filled with the values 1/n if the entry in the respective parallel run is NA_real_. n is taken from n_topics of the respective parallel run.


The convergence tolerance parameter passed to text2vec::LDA. By default 1e-3.


The number of iterations parameter passed to text2vec::LDA. By default 2000.


The seed parameter to ensure reproducibility. By default 42.


For each n_topics a model is fitted that is put into a list with the resulting doc_topic_distr as list(model = ..., doc_topic_distr = ...) Each list is saved via saveRDS in a file in model_dir. The filenames include information on n and the elapsed time for fitting the individual model. They appear, e.g., as: "n5_Warp_LDA_model_0h_1min.rds". Especially the initial part "nX_Warp_LDA_model" may be used for programmatically accessing model files.


# data part of the example is copied from text2vec::LatendDirichletAllocation
N = 500
tokens = word_tokenizer(tolower(movie_review$review[1:N]))
it = itoken(tokens, ids = movie_review$id[1:N])
v = create_vocabulary(it)
v = prune_vocabulary(v, term_count_min = 5, doc_proportion_max = 0.2)
dtm = create_dtm(it, vocab_vectorizer(v))
# fit one model without parallel pocessing for comparison
# Note that seed and other parameters of the model have to be set
# for comparing to other model from parallel fitting
lda_model = LDA$new(n_topics = 5)
doc_topic_distr = lda_model$fit_transform(dtm, n_iter = 20)

modeldir = paste0(getwd(), "/modeldir/")
if (dir.exists(modeldir)) {
  stop("Standard directory used for this example already exists. Please change.")
} else {
# you might want to check the work load of your processors with your favorite monitor...
warp_lda_vary_n_parallel( dtm = dtm
                          , n_topics = c(3,5,7)
                          , n_iter = 20
                          , n_cores = detectCores()-1
                          , model_dir = modeldir
                          , seed = 42)
# [1] "n3_Warp_LDA_model_0h_0min.rds"
# [2] "n5_Warp_LDA_model_0h_0min.rds"
# [3] "n7_Warp_LDA_model_0h_0min.rds"
# we compare the model with 5 topics
lda_model_from_parallel = readRDS(list.files(modeldir, full.names = T)[2])
# [1] "model"           "doc_topic_distr"
all.equal(doc_topic_distr, lda_model_from_parallel$doc_topic_distr)
# [1] TRUE

# delete directory
unlink(paste0(getwd(), "/modeldir"), recursive=TRUE)

manuelbickel/textility documentation built on Nov. 25, 2022, 9:07 p.m.