
Defines functions warp_lda_vary_n_parallel

Documented in warp_lda_vary_n_parallel

#' Fit Warp LDA models for varying n in parallel
#' LDA models with text2vec are fitted in parallel via \code{foreach} package for a set of candidate number of topics.
#' Function is not made failsafe, yet, it is just straightforward parallel fitting without safety nets, e.g., regarding overwriting of files.
#' @param dtm The document term matrix to be used in LDA.
#' @param n_topics \code{Integer} vector containing the candidate number of topics, e.g., \code{seq(5, 500, 5)}.
#' @param n_cores Number of cores to be used.
#'               If computer should be usable during model fitting leave on processor spare via \code{parallel::detectCores()-1}.
#' @param model_dir The directory to save the fitted models.
#'                  The directory needs to end with "/", e.g., "~/mydir/" (currently no check is implemented).
#' @param doc_topic_prior To be passed as a named vector. The prior parameters passed to \code{doc_topic_prior} in \code{text2vec::LDA}.
#'                        By default the vector sapply(as.character(n_topics), function(x) NA_real_, USE.NAMES = T)
#'                        is used and filled with the values \code{50/n} if the entry in the respective parallel run is \code{NA_real_}.
#'                        n is taken from n_topics of the respective parallel run.
#' @param topic_word_prior To be passed as a named vector. The prior parameter passed to \code{topic_word_prior} in \code{text2vec::LDA}.
#'                         By default the vector sapply(as.character(n_topics), function(x) NA_real_, USE.NAMES = T)
#'                         is used and filled with the values \code{1/n} if the entry in the respective parallel run is \code{NA_real_}.
#'                         n is taken from n_topics of the respective parallel run.
#' @param convtol The convergence tolerance parameter passed to \code{text2vec::LDA}. By default \code{1e-3}.
#' @param n_iter The number of iterations parameter passed to \code{text2vec::LDA}. By default \code{2000}.
#' @param seed The seed parameter to ensure reproducibility. By default \code{42}.
#' @return For each \code{n_topics} a model is fitted that is put into a list with the resulting doc_topic_distr as list(model = ..., doc_topic_distr = ...)
#'         Each list is saved via \code{saveRDS} in a file in \code{model_dir}.
#'         The filenames include information on \code{n} and the elapsed time for fitting the individual model.
#'         They appear, e.g., as: \code{"n5_Warp_LDA_model_0h_1min.rds"}.
#'         Especially the initial part \code{"nX_Warp_LDA_model"} may be used for programmatically accessing model files.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # data part of the example is copied from text2vec::LatendDirichletAllocation
#' library(text2vec)
#' data("movie_review")
#' N = 500
#' tokens = word_tokenizer(tolower(movie_review$review[1:N]))
#' it = itoken(tokens, ids = movie_review$id[1:N])
#' v = create_vocabulary(it)
#' v = prune_vocabulary(v, term_count_min = 5, doc_proportion_max = 0.2)
#' dtm = create_dtm(it, vocab_vectorizer(v))
#' # fit one model without parallel pocessing for comparison
#' # Note that seed and other parameters of the model have to be set
#' # for comparing to other model from parallel fitting
#' set.seed(42)
#' lda_model = LDA$new(n_topics = 5)
#' doc_topic_distr = lda_model$fit_transform(dtm, n_iter = 20)
#' modeldir = paste0(getwd(), "/modeldir/")
#' if (dir.exists(modeldir)) {
#'   stop("Standard directory used for this example already exists. Please change.")
#' } else {
#'   dir.create(modeldir)
#' }
#' library(doParallel)
#' # you might want to check the work load of your processors with your favorite monitor...
#' warp_lda_vary_n_parallel( dtm = dtm
#'                           , n_topics = c(3,5,7)
#'                           , n_iter = 20
#'                           , n_cores = detectCores()-1
#'                           , model_dir = modeldir
#'                           , seed = 42)
#' list.files(modeldir)
#' # [1] "n3_Warp_LDA_model_0h_0min.rds"
#' # [2] "n5_Warp_LDA_model_0h_0min.rds"
#' # [3] "n7_Warp_LDA_model_0h_0min.rds"
#' # we compare the model with 5 topics
#' lda_model_from_parallel = readRDS(list.files(modeldir, full.names = T)[2])
#' names(lda_model_from_parallel)
#' # [1] "model"           "doc_topic_distr"
#' all.equal(doc_topic_distr, lda_model_from_parallel$doc_topic_distr)
#' # [1] TRUE
#' # delete directory
#' unlink(paste0(getwd(), "/modeldir"), recursive=TRUE)

warp_lda_vary_n_parallel =       function( dtm
                                               , n_topics
                                               , n_cores
                                               , model_dir
                                               , doc_topic_prior = sapply(as.character(n_topics), function(x) NA_real_, USE.NAMES = T)
                                               , topic_word_prior = sapply(as.character(n_topics), function(x) NA_real_, USE.NAMES = T)
                                               , convtol = 1e-3
                                               , n_iter = 2000
                                               , seed = 42
) {

  # if (!exists(model_dir)) {
  #   dir.create(model_dir)
  #   message(paste0("Created directory: ", model_dir))
  # }

  if (length(doc_topic_prior) == 1) {
    doc_topic_prior = rep(doc_topic_prior, length(n_topics))
    names(doc_topic_prior) = as.character(n_topics)
    message("Single value was supplied for doc_topic_prior, which was used in all models irrespective of n_topics.")

  if (length(topic_word_prior) == 1) {
    topic_word_prior = rep(topic_word_prior, length(n_topics))
    names(topic_word_prior) = as.character(topic_word_prior)
    message("Single value was supplied for topic_word_prior, which was used in all models irrespective of n_topics.")

  cluster = makeCluster(n_cores)
  clusterEvalQ(cluster, {

  # export objects to parallel sessions
  clusterExport(cluster, list( ls(environment()) ),  envir = environment())

  result_data = foreach(j = 1:length(n_topics)
                        #, .export= c("functon_names")
  ) %dopar% {

    n = n_topics[j]

    if (is.na(doc_topic_prior[as.character(n)])) {
      doc_topic_prior[as.character(n)] = 50 / n
    if (is.na(topic_word_prior[as.character(n)])) {
      topic_word_prior[as.character(n)] = 1 / n

    start_time = as.numeric(proc.time()[3])

    filename = paste0(model_dir, n, "_topics_warp_lda_model.rda")

    # if (file.exists(filename)) {
    #   next(j)
    # } else {

    start = proc.time()
    lda_model = text2vec::LDA$new(n_topics = n, doc_topic_prior =  doc_topic_prior[as.character(n)], topic_word_prior =  topic_word_prior[as.character(n)])
    doc_topic_distr = lda_model$fit_transform(dtm, n_iter = n_iter, convergence_tol = convtol, n_check_convergence = 10, progressbar = FALSE)
    res = list(model = lda_model, doc_topic_distr = doc_topic_distr)

    end_time = as.numeric(proc.time()[3])
    elapsed_time = paste0("_", (end_time-start_time)%/%(60*60), "h_", round(((end_time-start_time)%%(60*60))/60, d = 0), "min")

    #add time information to filename
    filename = gsub("_model.rda$"
                            , elapsed_time
                            , ".rds" )

    saveRDS(res, file = filename)
manuelbickel/textility documentation built on Nov. 25, 2022, 9:07 p.m.