CRAN RStudio mirror downloads Build Status

Version 0.6.3 is on cran!

This R package provides Person Parameter estimation for the 1,2,3,4PL model and the generalized partial credit model. This package will soon be uploaded to cran!

To install this package from github, install devtools first.

devtools::install_github("jansteinfeld/PP", build_vignettes = TRUE)

What's NEW?


Here is a small example of the new PPass() function.

> data(pp_amt)
> d <- pp_amt$daten_amt
> rd_res <- PPass(respdf = d, 
+                 items = 8:ncol(d),
+                 mod="1PL",
+                 thres = pp_amt$betas[,2], 
+                 fitindices = "lz")
Estimating:  1pl model ... 
type = wle 
Estimation finished!
> head(rd_res)
   estimate        SE        lz   lz_unst
1 1.4098582 0.4177663 -0.631025 -0.613445
2 0.3515598 0.3728682  1.229631 -0.627897
3 1.0745005 0.3741312  1.097723 -0.627596
4 0.3204690 0.6900113  0.981567 -0.494311
5 1.3879169 0.4643963 -0.203400 -0.600039
6 0.9457360 0.4184997  0.573956 -0.615722

manuelreif/PP documentation built on May 31, 2021, 11:23 p.m.