Man pages for manuelreif/svyPVpack
A package for complex surveys including plausible values

compare_cycle_levelsCompare Levels between cycles
estimate_LEEstimate the Linking Error
estimate_score_dens_valueEstimate Density Values
estimate_score_distrEstimate Score Distribution
svyPVbenchmarkEstimate the proportion below and above a bechmark
svyPVcorSurvey-weighted Correlation Estimation with uasge of...
svyPVetaSurvey-weighted estimation of the eta coefficient with uasge...
svyPVglmSurvey-weighted generalised linear models with uasge of...
svyPVlevelProportion in levels estimation
svyPVpmMean and proportion estimation
svyPVprobProportion estimation
svyPVquantileQuantile estimation
svyPVttestComputation of a t-test for data from a complex survey design...
manuelreif/svyPVpack documentation built on Nov. 27, 2024, 1:31 a.m.